Please note that no further Track Condition Reports outside of the four Racing Victoria submission timeframes and deadlines outlined below are required to be submitted unless there is a change in Track Rating. If there is a change in Track Rating at any stage an additional report will be entered by the Victorian Club Track Managers.
For further information please contact the relevant racing club.

Item Inspection Timeframe Inspection Deadline for Track Rating to be Submitted Non Submission Follow Up
1 Day of nominations close
[after nominations close]
Following Noms Close & Prior to 2:50pm By Racing Victoria
Post 3pm and prior to 4pm
2 Day before acceptances close
[after nominations close]
Prior to 2:50pm By Racing Victoria
Post 3pm and prior to 4pm
3 Day of acceptances close
[before acceptances close]
Prior to 6:50am
[where there has been significant weather conditions overnight resulting in a change in Track Rating since the prior day's report]
4 Day before Race Day
[after acceptances close]
Prior to 2:50pm By Racing Victoria
Post 3pm and prior to 4pm
5 Race Day
[after acceptances close]
Prior to 6:50am By Racing Australia
Post 6:50am


Mornington: Melbourne Racing Club Wednesday, 08 January 2025

Meeting Type: Metro (TAB MEETING)
Rail Position: Out 6m Entire Circuit
Dual Track Meeting: N
Track Type: Turf
Track Condition: Good 4
Weather: Fine
Track Information: Inspection 6AM 8/1; Going Stick 9.0, Shear 11.1, Applying 3mm irrigation this morning 8/1/25
Scratchings Last Published: Wed 08-Jan-25 4:57PM AEDT
Total Number of starters for this meeting (including emergencies) 56
Track Upgraded to (Good 3) @ 4:55 PM after Race 3

For Scratching Release Information Click Here.

To print the scratching sheet click the print button in your web browser.

----- Victoria -----

Meeting: Wednesday 8Jan2025 Melbourne Racing Club
Rail: Out 6m Entire Circuit Penetrometer:
Weather: Fine Total Scratchings: 21
Dual Track Meeting: N
Track Type: Turf Track Rating: Good 4
General Comment: Track Upgraded to (Good 3) @ 4:55 PM after Race 3
Irrigation: nil last 24 hours, 41mm last 7 days
Rainfall: nil last 24 hours, 19mm last 7 days
Track Information: Inspection 6AM 8/1; Going Stick 9.0, Shear 11.1, Applying 3mm irrigation this morning 8/1/25

Rail Position Last Meeting

Out 6m Entire Circuit


Race 1: 1 NUNNIONG (08/1 0710)
  3 SUNNY TIMES (07/1 1515)
  9 SUNTORA (7/1 1603)
Race 2: 5 ASSERTIVE SWAY (8/1 0722)
  8 DUTY CALLS (8/1 0714)
Race 3: 1 PROJETO (7/1 1322)
  6 MALLETIER (7/1 1838)
Race 4: 8 AUREATE (07/1 1515)
Race 5: 2 ELENA MONTERO (7/1 1910)
  6 ROCK MELODY (8/1 0725)
Race 6: 6 SIGIRIYA ROCK (6/1 1124)
  9 PARTY WHIP (07/1 1546)
Race 7: 2 SIR ATLAS (IRE) (07/1 1104)
  3 MADAME ODETTE (8/1 0717)
  9 CORBULO (IRE) (7/1 1626)
  10 HARMONIOUS SENORA (8/1 0708)
Race 8: 5 BARBARIC LAD (8/1 0722)
  7 MR MAGNUS (8/1 0728)
  8 TREVENSON (7/1 1603)

Late Scratchings

Race 2: 1 BOX OFFICE (Vet Advice 1618)
  3 KING TUT (Vet Advice 1618)

Late Riders/Alterations

Race 3: 2 EXCESS - Ms Kiran Quilty (a3/55.5kg),
Race 6: 7 RUADA - Mitchell Aitken
Race 7: 1 THORIN (GER) - Ms Kiran Quilty (a3/55.5kg),
Race 8: 10 HUSTLE IN HEELS - Jamie Mott

Undeclared Riders

There are no undeclared riders

Duplicate Riders


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