Leasing a Racehorse

The following conditions apply to the leasing of racehorses:

  • Up to 20 individuals or a combination of individuals and registered syndicates may race a horse under Lease
  • A Lease Agreement should be obtained from the Principal Racing Authority in the State in which the horse is to race
  • The Agreement should be completed by the parties concerned, checked carefully before signing and any alterations or additions must be initialed by all parties
  • The Agreement should be lodged with Principal Racing Authority together with the relevant fee. The Principal Racing Authority should be contacted regarding the current fee
  • When the Lease is recorded a Lease Endorsement Certificate will be returned to the Manager or a nominated person
  • The Trainer should lodge a Stable Return in the names of the Lessees
  • A Lease may be taken out for a period of time from one day to an agreed number of years. It is for racing purposes only

Click on the links below to get a lease form or lease cancellation form from your Principal Racing Authority.

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