Transfer of Ownership
The Rules of Racing make it compulsory for all transfers of ownership to be recorded for registered racehorses. The following conditions apply when completing a transfer of ownership:
- A transfer of ownership is not official until approved by the Registrar of Racehorses or Deputy Registrar of the Principal Racing Authority (PRA) in whose area the horse is to race.
- The completed transfer of ownership form should be lodged with the PRA together with the relevant fee.
- The first named person appearing in the new ownership section shall be recorded as the racing manager and all correspondence shall be sent to that person unless otherwise stated.
- The Managing Owner may sign the outgoing owners declaration only on behalf of those remaining owners whose share percentage remains unchanged.
- Except in the case of an auctioneer signing this form, if any transfer is being signed under Power of Attorney or Letter of Authority, a copy of such authority must be provided when lodging the transfer
- The Document of Description/Thoroughbred Identification Card does not need to be sent in for a transfer of ownership.
- When the transfer of ownership is completed a Transfer Endorsement Certificate will be returned to the manager or a nominated person.
- The trainer should lodge a Stable Return in the names of the new owners.
Click on the link below to obtain a Named Racehorse Transfer of Ownership form or click the link to your Principal Racing Authority for more details about Transfers. Please forward to your Principal Racing Authority once you have completed the application.
The most recent version of the Named Racehorse Transfer Of Ownership Form is dated 29 April 2020. PRA's will only accept Named Racehorse Transfer Of Ownership Forms using the most current version of the Named Racehorse Transfer Of Ownership Form.
Change of Share Percentage
- Complete this form if you want to CHANGE THE SHARE PERCENTAGE of one or more existing owners or lessees of a registered horse.
- Only those owners changing their share need to complete the form.
- Confirmation of the change will be sent to the manager of the horse when the application has been processed.
- Want to notify a change in the owners of a horse.
- Want to change any outgoing or incoming owners.
- In these cases a Transfer of Ownership form must be completed. Please check the topic above.