Rockhampton: Rockhampton Jockey Club Inc Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Meeting Type: Provincial (TAB MEETING)
Apprentice Meeting Type: Provincial
Rail Position: +3m Entire
Dual Track Meeting: N
Track Type: Turf
Track Condition: Soft 5
Weather: Overcast
Penetrometer: 5.56
Track Information: Heavy dew
Nominations Last Published: Thu 26-Dec-24 11:03AM AEDT
Weights declared by: Thu 26-Dec-24 5:00PM AEDT
Acceptances must be declared before: Fri 27-Dec-24 10:00AM AEDT
Riders must be declared before: Fri 27-Dec-24 1:00PM AEDT
Scratching close: Tue 31-Dec-24 8:30AM AEDT
Total Number of nominations for this meeting (including emergencies) 77
Race 1 - OPEN Handicap - Base Rating 74 (Scaled -1.5kg) (1050 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $21,000.1st $11,600, 2nd $3,800, 3rd $1,950, 4th $1,000, 5th $650, 6th $400, 7th $400, 8th $400, 9th $400, 10th $400
A deduction for Animal Care will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% for prizemoney pools less than $250,000.00 and 5% for pools $250,000.00 and higher.
A deduction for Insurance will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% on prizemoney pools for TAB races.
Handicap, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 14 + 5 EM    NOMINATIONS EXTENDED TO: 26/12/2024 10:00:00 AM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 6542142284 CAPTAIN FOX G 8 Peter Fleming 76
2 3x38385562 DEEP BLAST G 6 Stephen Rundle 69
3 4455211353 GET WHAT YOU GIVE G 5 Nick Walsh 68.5
4 3739121412 GRAND DE LAGO G 9 Darryl Johnston
5 11126x5881 KING JESTER G 6 Lachie Manzelmann 76.5
6 0015432281 LETMELETGO G 7 Nick Walsh 78
7 1431233193 MEDIA EMPIRE G 6 Jason Morgan 79
8 111172x623 MR TANGLES G 6 Darryl Johnston 69
9 316217956x OUTBACK ACTION G 6 Lachie Manzelmann 81.5
10 x32121123x TRACK TALE M 4 Ricky Vale 79
Race 2 - BENCHMARK 68 Handicap - Base Rating 56 (1500 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $21,000.1st $11,600, 2nd $3,800, 3rd $1,950, 4th $1,000, 5th $650, 6th $400, 7th $400, 8th $400, 9th $400, 10th $400
A deduction for Animal Care will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% for prizemoney pools less than $250,000.00 and 5% for pools $250,000.00 and higher.
A deduction for Insurance will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% on prizemoney pools for TAB races.
BenchMark 68, Handicap, Minimum Weight 54kg, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 16 + 5 EM    NOMINATIONS EXTENDED TO: 26/12/2024 10:00:00 AM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 x49x644545 BOLD HUSSAR G 5 Garnett Taylor 59
2 4555614x42 DECIDUOUS G 4 Kerrod Smyth 62
3 5542904052 DIASONIC G 8 Lachie Manzelmann 56
4 3212225x53 GENERAL WOLFFE G 6 Michael Stephens 54
5 14038x4744 MISS SEATTLE M 6 Georgie Holt 73
6 266120x054 NATIVE BEE G 9 Damien Rideout 51
7 365146x321 NOBLE HEART G 4 Kerrod Smyth 65
8 138x631211 POET’S DAY G 5 Peter Fleming 74
9 226x21121 WELL HELD G 3 Clinton Taylor 62
Race 3 - BENCHMARK 60 Handicap - Base Rating 48 (1300 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $21,000.1st $11,600, 2nd $3,800, 3rd $1,950, 4th $1,000, 5th $650, 6th $400, 7th $400, 8th $400, 9th $400, 10th $400
A deduction for Animal Care will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% for prizemoney pools less than $250,000.00 and 5% for pools $250,000.00 and higher.
A deduction for Insurance will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% on prizemoney pools for TAB races.
BenchMark 60, Handicap, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 16 + 5 EM    NOMINATIONS EXTENDED TO: 26/12/2024 10:00:00 AM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 8x36223x77 AGE OF AQUARIUS G 3 Tasha Chambers 54
2 8x714664x4 ALL VALOUR G 4 Desleigh Forster 56
3 x480x11165 ANDIRON M 5 Tom Smith 60
4 4555614x42 DECIDUOUS G 4 Kerrod Smyth 62
5 6218x758x FORTRESS AUSTRALIA G 4 Nick Walsh 60
6 3x4977x231 GRAYSONG G 5 Michael Stephens 67
7 71114x4756 JUNGLE BEAT G 6 John O'Sing 59
8 x441264232 LADY MASQUERADE M 5 Trevor Williams
9 413x90000x LADY TOWNSON (NZ) M 5 Damien Rideout 60
10 3914745x10 LYNRIC LASS M 6 Lyn Sullivan 57
11 031447x490 MASONRY MAN G 6 Tim Cook 49
12 15x9025058 MONEY MAN G 5 Sileas Green 59
13 8939460694 OUR HEART THROB G 5 Tim Cook 43
14 184065297x PREPOTENT G 5 Jessica Kuhn 66
15 1146x77666 SRINI G 8 Sileas Green 63
16 x586x33x31 SUNDARA M 6 Sileas Green 61
17 4312x397x3 THE LAST SAGA G 5 Allan Jenkinson 56
Race 4 - BENCHMARK 60 Handicap - Base Rating 48 (1050 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $21,000.1st $11,600, 2nd $3,800, 3rd $1,950, 4th $1,000, 5th $650, 6th $400, 7th $400, 8th $400, 9th $400, 10th $400
A deduction for Animal Care will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% for prizemoney pools less than $250,000.00 and 5% for pools $250,000.00 and higher.
A deduction for Insurance will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% on prizemoney pools for TAB races.
BenchMark 60, Handicap, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 14 + 5 EM    NOMINATIONS EXTENDED TO: 26/12/2024 10:00:00 AM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 4021x6x522 BOLD AND SMOOTH M 5 Garnett Taylor 63
2 55648x679x CANTOR M 6 Damien Rideout 42
3 5714x71723 COBBO G 4 Michael & Christine Dore 59
4 3324128x41 CUMIN SPINNER M 4 Sileas Green 56
5 281306140x DIDDLEY SQUAT G 5 Clinton Taylor 67
6 x49189x141 FLYING MAPLE M 4 Ricky Vale 60
7 6218x758x FORTRESS AUSTRALIA G 4 Nick Walsh 60
8 x431181306 GETTIN’ LIPPY M 5 Kale Sinclair 54
9 98x44886x3 IMPACTFULL MISS M 5 Kerrod Smyth 60
10 3313x79640 LOVE MY LOUIS M 5 Denis Schultz 45
11 7625126616 NANO STAR M 6 Lachie Manzelmann 59
12 184065297x PREPOTENT G 5 Jessica Kuhn 66
13 48016x5x64 SWEET FANTASY M 5 Kevin Hansen 55
Race 5 - Maiden Handicap - (Scaled +3kg) (1600 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $23,000.1st $12,800, 2nd $4,000, 3rd $2,200, 4th $1,050, 5th $750, 6th $440, 7th $440, 8th $440, 9th $440, 10th $440
A deduction for Animal Care will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% for prizemoney pools less than $250,000.00 and 5% for pools $250,000.00 and higher.
A deduction for Insurance will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% on prizemoney pools for TAB races.
Maiden, Handicap, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 16 + 5 EM    NOMINATIONS EXTENDED TO: 26/12/2024 10:00:00 AM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 8643x6 AIN’T NOBODY G 4 Jason Morgan
2 5x0x9x22 FICTIVE (NZ) M 4 Jamie McConachy
3 080x765453 FIGHTING EDGE G 5 Chelsea Jokic
4 7734365465 FINE AND RARE G 5 Tim Cook
5 8099062595 FREE CHOICE G 5 Bob Murray
6 2867368227 HADMYTIME G 5 Julieann Lancaster
7 30x0750385 JUST LIKE ROSIE M 5 Tim Cook
8 00x6657853 MY PEPPERJACK M 4 Denis Schultz
9 6466064 POPPY’S PRIDE M 4 Tim Cook
10 3x79537242 TIME TO TURN G 4 Bob Murray
11 988x847 VINROSA M 4 Peter Fleming
Race 6 - QTIS Three-Year-Old Maiden Handicap (Scaled +4kg) (1200 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $23,000.1st $12,800, 2nd $4,000, 3rd $2,200, 4th $1,050, 5th $750, 6th $440, 7th $440, 8th $440, 9th $440, 10th $440
A deduction for Animal Care will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% for prizemoney pools less than $250,000.00 and 5% for pools $250,000.00 and higher.
A deduction for Insurance will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% on prizemoney pools for TAB races.
Maiden, Handicap, Three-Years-Old, Apprentices can claim.
QTIS 3YO $12000 Bonuses: First $8500, Second $2300, Third $1200, to qualified horses.
QTIS 3YO Fillies $6,000 (1st $4,250, 2nd $1,150, 3rd $600)

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 16 + 5 EM    NOMINATIONS EXTENDED TO: 26/12/2024 10:00:00 AM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 ANGE QTIS Bonus Scheme F 3 Jessica Kuhn
2 4726x2 CATMISS QTIS Bonus Scheme F 3 Clinton Taylor
3 5470x0x4 DREAMDROP QTIS Bonus Scheme F 3 Bob Murray
4 5x34638x OFFANGO QTIS Bonus Scheme G 3 Tom Smith
5 89 PITLECO LASS QTIS Bonus Scheme F 3 Jessica Kuhn
6 544x2 QUERIDA QTIS Bonus Scheme F 3 Billy Healey
7 27x3442 RUN FREDA RUN F 3 Kris Hansen
8 3335x63 TRAVELLING SWEET QTIS Bonus Scheme F 3 Clinton Taylor
9 5x208x398x ZELEZNY QTIS Bonus Scheme G 3 Ricky Vale
Race 7 - QTIS Two-Year-Old Handicap (1100 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $21,000.1st $11,600, 2nd $3,800, 3rd $1,950, 4th $1,000, 5th $650, 6th $400, 7th $400, 8th $400, 9th $400, 10th $400
A deduction for Animal Care will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% for prizemoney pools less than $250,000.00 and 5% for pools $250,000.00 and higher.
A deduction for Insurance will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% on prizemoney pools for TAB races.
Handicap, Two-Years-Old, Apprentices can claim.
QTIS 2YO $12000 Bonuses: First $8500, Second $2300, Third $1200, to qualified horses.
QTIS 2YO Fillies $6,000 (1st $4,250, 2nd $1,150, 3rd $600)

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 12 + 5 EM    NOMINATIONS EXTENDED TO: 26/12/2024 10:00:00 AM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 333 BOLLA BOLLA BABE QTIS Bonus Scheme F 2 Clinton Taylor
2 4 GYMNOSOMATA QTIS Bonus Scheme F 2 Georgie Holt
3 HI FRANK QTIS Bonus Scheme G 2 Sileas Green
4 311 SATISFIED MUGS QTIS Bonus Scheme C 2 Georgie Holt
Race 8 - QTIS Three-Year-Old Handicap (1814 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $21,000.1st $11,600, 2nd $3,800, 3rd $1,950, 4th $1,000, 5th $650, 6th $400, 7th $400, 8th $400, 9th $400, 10th $400
A deduction for Animal Care will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% for prizemoney pools less than $250,000.00 and 5% for pools $250,000.00 and higher.
A deduction for Insurance will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% on prizemoney pools for TAB races.
Handicap, Three-Years-Old, Apprentices can claim.
QTIS 3YO $12000 Bonuses: First $8500, Second $2300, Third $1200, to qualified horses.
QTIS 3YO Fillies $6,000 (1st $4,250, 2nd $1,150, 3rd $600)

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 14 + 5 EM    NOMINATIONS EXTENDED TO: 26/12/2024 10:00:00 AM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 27x1337194 I’M HEROIC QTIS Bonus Scheme G 3 Desleigh Forster 64
2 53x10 THE DARK SIDE QTIS Bonus Scheme G 3 William Kropp 57
3 36x54 TRUSTY BANDIT QTIS Bonus Scheme G 3 William Kropp
4 226x21121 WELL HELD QTIS Bonus Scheme G 3 Clinton Taylor 62
Racing Queensland Notice
Nothing in the issuance of these weight declarations guarantees a runner a place in the field, should decisions under, or the application of the Rules of Racing require a different outcome.

© Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (and other parties working with it). QLD racing materials, including fields, form and horse racing results, is subject to copyright which is owned by RQ and other parties working with it.