Ascot: Western Australian Turf Club Saturday, 14 December 2024

Meeting Type: Metro (TAB MEETING)
Rail Position: +3m Entire
Dual Track Meeting: N
Track Type: Turf
Track Condition: Good 4
Weather: Fine
Penetrometer: 7.2
Track Information: Finalised 14/12 - 8:00am / Late Scratching R9 N17
Weights Last Published: Tue 10-Dec-24 5:53PM AEDT
Acceptances must be declared before: Wed 11-Dec-24 1:00PM AEDT
Riders must be declared before: Wed 11-Dec-24 3:00PM AEDT
Scratching close: Sat 14-Dec-24 11:00AM AEDT
Total Number of nominations for this meeting (including emergencies) 278

For more information on new WA Apprentice Riding Weights feature Click Here.
Of $125,000.1st $68,500, 2nd $23,250, 3rd $11,000, 4th $4,875, 5th $3,625, 6th $2,250, 7th $2,250, 8th $2,250, 9th $2,250, 10th $2,250, Equine Welfare Fund $1,250 , Jockey Welfare Fund $1,250. LISTED
Set Weights plus Penalties, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Fillies and Mares, Apprentices cannot claim.
This race carries a WestSpeed Nominators Bonus of $5,500 and a WestSpeed Owners Bonus of $16,500 for qualified horses.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 16 + 4 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Ballot Weight Penalty Hcp Rating
1 41x123x526 YONGA LASS M 5 Grant & Alana Williams 1 58kg 91
2 1454331x90 GHOBELLA M 7 Stephanie Bakranich 2 57.5kg 87
3 3x426x3736 AMBER GLIDE M 5 Ross Price 3 56.5kg 84
4 15x64x3694 RUSTY DREAMS M 5 Michael Lane 4 57.5kg 83
5 1213x02452 ANTIQUE MISS M 5 Michael Grantham 5 55kg 81
6 8111110x2 OWN THE QUEEN westSpeed Platinum Owner + 4YO Extension M 4 Justine Erkelens 6 59kg 81
7 12x41111x3 BONJOY M 5 Jason Miller 7 55kg 80
8 42x8602311 MISS SKYHIGH M 4 Grant & Alana Williams 8 55kg 77
9 50x3541506 LAQUETTA’S GIFT M 5 Stephanie Bakranich 9 55kg 72
10 33x21212x5 PETROUCHKA westSpeed Owner Standard M 4 Grant & Alana Williams 10 56.5kg 72
11 132583x0x1 DUN WITH THE BLUES M 5 Daniel & Ben Pearce 11 55kg 71
12 255433x527 MADAME MAGIC M 5 Daniel & Ben Pearce 12 55kg 70
13 x12454x903 NOTEWORTHY (NZ) M 5 Michael Grantham 13 55kg 70
14 3232x0374 EARTHSTORM westSpeed Owner Standard F 3 Russell Stewart 14 49kg 69
15 48x1010x76 PRO LATTE M 6 Donna Riordan 15 55kg 69
16 8x73245025 I LOVE YOUR SMILE M 5 Brandon Fiore 16 55kg 68
17 12270x9370 CHOLLIMA westSpeed Owner Standard M 4 Darren McAuliffe 17 55kg 67
18 12491480x0 FLEUR DELACOUR M 5 Chris Willis 18 55kg 56
Race 2 - 3YO Plate (1400 METRES)
Of $80,000.1st $43,840, 2nd $14,880, 3rd $7,040, 4th $3,120, 5th $2,320, 6th $1,440, 7th $1,440, 8th $1,440, 9th $1,440, 10th $1,440, Equine Welfare Fund $800 , Jockey Welfare Fund $800.
Set Weights plus Penalties, Three-Years-Old, Apprentices can claim.
This race carries a WestSpeed Nominators Bonus of $5,500 and a WestSpeed Owners Bonus of $16,500 for qualified horses.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 16 + 4 EM    NOMINATIONS EXTENDED TO: 10/12/2024 01:00:00 PM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Ballot Weight Penalty Hcp Rating
1 3232x0374 EARTHSTORM westSpeed Owner Standard F 3 Russell Stewart 1 54kg 69
2 42x5329 EXCEED THE PLANET westSpeed Owner Standard G 3 Susan Olive 2 56kg 70
3 99x2121000 BONDI BAY westSpeed Platinum Owner + 4YO Extension G 3 Sharon Miller 3 58kg 67
4 0x94110 KING HIT G 3 Trevor Andrews 4 57kg 65
5 17x CHEYNE BAY westSpeed Platinum Owner + 4YO Extension G 3 Adam Durrant 5 57kg 64
6 163 BLACK ORA westSpeed Platinum Owner + 4YO Extension F 3 Adam Durrant 6 54kg 58
7 40x310 CAPORETTO westSpeed Platinum Owner + 4YO Extension G 3 Neville Parnham 7 56kg 62
8 93 RANYX westSpeed Owner Standard G 3 Daniel Morton 8 56kg 60
9 7x326x434 TACTICS westSpeed Platinum Owner + 4YO Extension G 3 Neville Parnham 9 56kg 59
10 9x6 CHOUX SHOE F 3 Simon A Miller 10 54kg
11 74 MAVIS MYRTLE westSpeed Platinum Owner + 4YO Extension F 3 Chris Willis 11 54kg
12 51 SHOWLAS F 3 David Catarino 12 54kg 58
13 31 WHAT’S THE POINT G 3 Luke Fernie 13 56kg 62
14 35x398 DECISION MAKER westSpeed Platinum Owner + 4YO Extension G 3 Neville Parnham 14 56kg 58
15 5x57x4755 BOYZ LITE UP westSpeed Platinum Owner + 4YO Extension G 3 Neville Parnham 15 56kg 56
Race 3 - Graduation Handicap (1MW) (1400 METRES)
Of $60,000.1st $32,880, 2nd $11,160, 3rd $5,280, 4th $2,340, 5th $1,740, 6th $1,080, 7th $1,080, 8th $1,080, 9th $1,080, 10th $1,080, Equine Welfare Fund $600 , Jockey Welfare Fund $600.
One Metro Win, Special Conditions, Handicap, Minimum Weight 54kg, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Apprentices can claim.
This race carries a WestSpeed Nominators Bonus of $5,500 and a WestSpeed Owners Bonus of $16,500 for qualified horses.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 16 + 4 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Ballot Weight Penalty Hcp Rating
1 1323x08x08 FOREVER DREAMING M 6 Colin Webster 1 59.5kg 71
2 255433x527 MADAME MAGIC M 5 Daniel & Ben Pearce 2 59kg 70
3 2482114x93 LITTLE SILVER G 5 Steve Wolfe 3 60kg 72
4 215x376121 SNIPPY WHICH westSpeed Platinum Owner + 4YO Extension H 4 Adam Durrant 4 60kg 72
5 x51965x665 BLUE LAGOON westSpeed Owner Standard G 4 Susan Olive 5 59.5kg 71
6 12270x9370 CHOLLIMA westSpeed Owner Standard M 4 Darren McAuliffe 6 57.5kg 67
7 8080254170 GALAXY AFFAIR G 5 Daniel & Ben Pearce 7 59.5kg 71
8 4x33215x02 ROMMING DANGER westSpeed Platinum Owner Standard M 4 Graeme Ballantyne 8 57.5kg 67
9 225x479292 HARBIN G 6 Donna Riordan 9 59kg 70
10 2147x559x0 PLAYZ WITH FIRE M 6 Rob Gulberti 10 57kg 66
11 222113x8x1 PAPAVERO PRINCESS M 5 Summer Dickson 11 56.5kg 65
12 x88x413010 FIVE DOWN G 4 Luke Fernie 12 58kg 68
13 123x3180x0 MY JIMMY westSpeed Platinum Owner Standard G 4 Brian Kersley 13 58kg 68
14 99x2121000 BONDI BAY westSpeed Platinum Owner + 4YO Extension G 3 Sharon Miller 14 56kg 67
15 x5241764x3 RED TORI westSpeed Platinum Owner Standard M 4 Stephen Miller 15 55.5kg 63
16 91518x2428 TON OF GRUNT westSpeed Owner Standard G 4 Rhys Radford 16 57.5kg 67
17 45513326x2 EL PATRON G 5 Simon A Miller 17 57kg 66
18 7x3248x286 OUR ROCKY BAY westSpeed Platinum Owner Standard G 4 Ted Martinovich 18 57kg 66
19 640x569359 BELLE JOURNEE M 5 Chris Stelmach 19 54.5kg 61
20 3848732825 MANHATTAN STRIP G 5 Daniel & Ben Pearce 20 56.5kg 65
21 17x6321160 KELORA G 6 Neville Parnham 21 56.5kg 65
22 58x8774486 COBBANCO G 6 Brian Lucas 22 56.5kg 65
23 28x4603911 FRAPPUCCINO westSpeed Platinum Owner + 4YO Extension G 4 Lou Luciani 23 56.5kg 65
24 18630x3426 RIGHT TO SILENCE westSpeed Platinum Owner + 4YO Extension M 4 Chris Willis 24 54kg 60
25 6211110x80 HIDE THE OREOS G 5 Roy Rogers 25 55.5kg 63
26 12491480x0 FLEUR DELACOUR M 5 Chris Willis 26 54kg 56
27 300x8x1x07 MAGICAL GEM G 6 Peter Bamford 27 54kg 59
28 4x5091069x EXPELLIARMUS G 6 Jessica Carbery 28 54kg 57
29 2275620279 CANNY JACK G 6 Chris Stelmach 29 54kg 56
30 6x1114x201 HOW PRETTY westSpeed Platinum Owner Standard M 4 Adam Durrant 30 54.5kg 61
31 5x57x4755 BOYZ LITE UP westSpeed Platinum Owner + 4YO Extension G 3 Neville Parnham 31 54kg 56
Race 4 - Graduation Handicap (1MW) (1800 METRES)
Of $60,000.1st $32,880, 2nd $11,160, 3rd $5,280, 4th $2,340, 5th $1,740, 6th $1,080, 7th $1,080, 8th $1,080, 9th $1,080, 10th $1,080, Equine Welfare Fund $600 , Jockey Welfare Fund $600.
One Metro Win, Special Conditions, Handicap, Minimum Weight 55kg, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Apprentices can claim.
This race carries a WestSpeed Nominators Bonus of $5,500 and a WestSpeed Owners Bonus of $16,500 for qualified horses.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 16 + 4 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Ballot Weight Penalty Hcp Rating
1 48x1010x76 PRO LATTE M 6 Donna Riordan 1 59.5kg 69
2 135245x801 CHANGING GUARD G 5 Darren McAuliffe 2 60kg 70
3 2x211x2331 PROPHET AND POWER G 6 Jim Taylor 3 60kg 70
4 2684236115 BORDER FORCE G 6 Sean & Jake Casey 4 59.5kg 69
5 x88x413010 FIVE DOWN G 4 Luke Fernie 5 59kg 68
6 0534715199 RED DWARF G 9 Dom Celisano 6 58.5kg 67
7 2x21214526 STORMAGEDDON G 4 Michael Grantham 7 58.5kg 67
8 5x85x81652 CENTRAL FORCE G 5 Michael Grantham 8 58kg 66
9 328x242311 LIEN HYPHEN M 4 Susan Olive 9 56kg 62
10 3x96088x57 KING’S PARADE westSpeed Owner Standard G 4 Darren McAuliffe 10 57.5kg 65
11 x12600x310 FIOREYES G 5 Ashley Maley 11 57kg 64
12 452267x097 GOD’S GARDEN M 7 Susan Olive 12 55kg 60
13 0787651009 SKETTA M 7 Fred Kersley 13 55kg 60
14 737046x660 MISS INTENTION M 7 Mitchell Pateman 14 55kg 59
15 8x6x772143 WAR MATTERS westSpeed Platinum Owner + 4YO Extension G 4 Darren McAuliffe 15 56.5kg 63
16 0570474010 BLAZING TYCOON G 9 Brock Lewthwaite 16 56kg 62
17 5x0x87321 AL UNIQUE westSpeed Owner Standard G 4 Fred Kersley 17 56kg 62
18 x175790907 PAIGEY’S TURN M 6 Sharon Miller 18 55kg 55
19 5x57x4755 BOYZ LITE UP westSpeed Platinum Owner + 4YO Extension G 3 Neville Parnham 19 55kg 56
Race 5 - RTG 66+ Handicap (1000 METRES)
Of $80,000.1st $43,840, 2nd $14,880, 3rd $7,040, 4th $3,120, 5th $2,320, 6th $1,440, 7th $1,440, 8th $1,440, 9th $1,440, 10th $1,440, Equine Welfare Fund $800 , Jockey Welfare Fund $800.
RTG66+, Handicap, Minimum Weight 54.5kg, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Apprentices can claim.
This race carries a WestSpeed Nominators Bonus of $5,500 and a WestSpeed Owners Bonus of $16,500 for qualified horses.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 16 + 4 EM    NOMINATIONS EXTENDED TO: 10/12/2024 01:00:00 PM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Ballot Weight Penalty Hcp Rating
1 1155x1212x FINAL SIREN G 4 Rebecca Bayliss 1 60kg 77
2 6x61138x78 SNOW PRINCE westSpeed Platinum Owner + 4YO Extension G 4 Sean & Jake Casey 2 60kg 77
3 x47x57x145 BOPPING BLUE G 6 Luke Fernie 3 59.5kg 76
4 255221x48x LEXINGTON CITY G 6 Michael Lane 4 59.5kg 76
5 6213x13245 SONOFTHEBOSS westSpeed Owner Standard G 4 Jim Taylor 5 59.5kg 76
6 6x4261117x TALK IT UP G 7 Peter Fernie 6 59kg 75
7 1125x455x2 ROCK THIS TOWN G 6 Kayla Farrell 7 58.5kg 74
8 30x101156x BONNIE LAD G 5 Adam Durrant 8 57.5kg 72
9 414207x507 THOMAS MAGNUM (NZ) G 6 Chris & Michael Gangemi 9 57.5kg 72
10 1100x3426x CAPRICORN MAN G 5 Sean & Jake Casey 10 57kg 71
11 15179x5650 CAPRE OMNIA G 5 Dylan Bairstow 11 56.5kg 70
12 201060x759 ORACLE SON G 5 Dylan Bairstow 12 56kg 69
13 x79x46337x PADDY’S FLYIN’ G 5 David Harrison 13 56kg 69
14 1220x124x6 ANOTHER STRIKE westSpeed Platinum Owner Standard G 4 Lou Luciani 14 56kg 69
15 82153x42 COONDLE westSpeed Platinum Owner Standard G 3 Lou Luciani 15 54.5kg 65
Race 6 - RTG 66+ Handicap (1500 METRES)
Of $80,000.1st $43,840, 2nd $14,880, 3rd $7,040, 4th $3,120, 5th $2,320, 6th $1,440, 7th $1,440, 8th $1,440, 9th $1,440, 10th $1,440, Equine Welfare Fund $800 , Jockey Welfare Fund $800.
RTG66+, Handicap, Minimum Weight 54kg, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Apprentices can claim.
This race carries a WestSpeed Nominators Bonus of $5,500 and a WestSpeed Owners Bonus of $16,500 for qualified horses.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 16 + 4 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Ballot Weight Penalty Hcp Rating
1 42x8602311 MISS SKYHIGH M 4 Grant & Alana Williams 1 60kg 77
2 x643327661 EXCELTRAIN G 5 Daniel & Ben Pearce 2 59.5kg 76
3 50x3541506 LAQUETTA’S GIFT M 5 Stephanie Bakranich 3 57.5kg 72
4 115670x710 YARRALEA M 5 Neville Parnham 4 57.5kg 72
5 132583x0x1 DUN WITH THE BLUES M 5 Daniel & Ben Pearce 5 57kg 71
6 5931468x41 HESKET G 6 Dylan Bairstow 6 59kg 75
7 2646x91593 COUNT THE SESSIONS G 7 Holly Taylor 7 58.5kg 74
8 31338x3468 LORD GANNICUS G 5 Grant & Alana Williams 8 58.5kg 74
9 255433x527 MADAME MAGIC M 5 Daniel & Ben Pearce 9 56.5kg 70
10 x12454x903 NOTEWORTHY (NZ) M 5 Michael Grantham 10 56.5kg 70
11 63112231x8 CITINO G 5 Michael Grantham 11 58kg 73
12 3232x0374 EARTHSTORM westSpeed Owner Standard F 3 Russell Stewart 12 54.5kg 69
13 2482114x93 LITTLE SILVER G 5 Steve Wolfe 13 57.5kg 72
14 215x376121 SNIPPY WHICH westSpeed Platinum Owner + 4YO Extension H 4 Adam Durrant 14 57.5kg 72
15 15439x9482 SOWAR G 8 Mitchell Pateman 15 57.5kg 72
16 35x34094x1 ATLANTIS BEACH G 7 Cliff Green 16 57kg 71
17 12270x9370 CHOLLIMA westSpeed Owner Standard M 4 Darren McAuliffe 17 55kg 67
18 73x56489x0 BENJI’S G 7 Cliff Green 18 57kg 71
19 4x33215x02 ROMMING DANGER westSpeed Platinum Owner Standard M 4 Graeme Ballantyne 19 55kg 67
20 42x5329 EXCEED THE PLANET westSpeed Owner Standard G 3 Susan Olive 20 54.5kg 70
21 225x479292 HARBIN G 6 Donna Riordan 21 56.5kg 70
22 x483665x72 THE SPRUIKER G 7 Steve Wolfe 22 55.5kg 68
23 123x3180x0 MY JIMMY westSpeed Platinum Owner Standard G 4 Brian Kersley 23 55.5kg 68
24 9160x98040 MISS ROCKJOY westSpeed Platinum Owner + 4YO Extension M 4 Susan Olive 24 54.5kg 64
25 91518x2428 TON OF GRUNT westSpeed Owner Standard G 4 Rhys Radford 25 55kg 67
26 640x569359 BELLE JOURNEE M 5 Chris Stelmach 26 54.5kg 61
27 3848732825 MANHATTAN STRIP G 5 Daniel & Ben Pearce 27 54.5kg 65
28 7x308799x0 TIFF’S LAD G 6 Sharon Miller 28 54.5kg 65
29 6211110x80 HIDE THE OREOS G 5 Roy Rogers 29 54.5kg 63
30 760699368x STYLAX G 7 Fred Kersley 30 54.5kg 63
31 2275620279 CANNY JACK G 6 Chris Stelmach 31 54.5kg 56
Race 7 - RTG 72+ Handicap (1200 METRES)
Of $80,000.1st $43,840, 2nd $14,880, 3rd $7,040, 4th $3,120, 5th $2,320, 6th $1,440, 7th $1,440, 8th $1,440, 9th $1,440, 10th $1,440, Equine Welfare Fund $800 , Jockey Welfare Fund $800.
RTG72+, Handicap, Minimum Weight 54kg, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Apprentices can claim.
This race carries a WestSpeed Nominators Bonus of $5,500 and a WestSpeed Owners Bonus of $16,500 for qualified horses.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 16 + 4 EM    NOMINATIONS EXTENDED TO: 10/12/2024 01:00:00 PM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Ballot Weight Penalty Hcp Rating
1 614Dx11300 CRIPPALENKO G 5 Greg Beauglehole 1 60kg 84
2 1x1111x673 TWAIN’S ANGEL westSpeed Owner Standard M 4 Sean & Jake Casey 2 57kg 78
3 17x4557856 SUPERSESSION G 5 Adam Durrant 3 58kg 80
4 x445423118 AIN’T NO OTHER MAN G 6 Sean & Jake Casey 4 57.5kg 79
5 129x360x00 RESONATOR G 5 Chris & Michael Gangemi 5 57.5kg 79
6 6x61138x78 SNOW PRINCE westSpeed Platinum Owner + 4YO Extension G 4 Sean & Jake Casey 6 56.5kg 77
7 x16122915x BEAU ZOOM G 8 Rebecca Bayliss 7 56kg 76
8 6213x13245 SONOFTHEBOSS westSpeed Owner Standard G 4 Jim Taylor 8 56kg 76
9 326x143418 MISS FLIRTACIOUS westSpeed Platinum Owner Standard M 4 Luke Fernie 9 54kg 70
10 x127342123 KEEP ATTACKING G 6 Grant & Alana Williams 10 54.5kg 73
11 414207x507 THOMAS MAGNUM (NZ) G 6 Chris & Michael Gangemi 11 54kg 72
12 11x54x7045 ONEMORETWOMANY G 3 Neville Parnham 12 54kg 69
13 x79x46337x PADDY’S FLYIN’ G 5 David Harrison 13 54kg 69
Race 8 - RTG 78+ Handicap (1400 METRES)
Of $80,000.1st $43,840, 2nd $14,880, 3rd $7,040, 4th $3,120, 5th $2,320, 6th $1,440, 7th $1,440, 8th $1,440, 9th $1,440, 10th $1,440, Equine Welfare Fund $800 , Jockey Welfare Fund $800.
RTG78+, Handicap, Minimum Weight 54kg, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Apprentices can claim.
This race carries a WestSpeed Nominators Bonus of $5,500 and a WestSpeed Owners Bonus of $16,500 for qualified horses.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 16 + 4 EM    NOMINATIONS EXTENDED TO: 10/12/2024 01:00:00 PM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Ballot Weight Penalty Hcp Rating
1 869x2480x3 DEVOTED G 6 Luke Fernie 1 61kg 92
2 9x21511x55 ROCKIN’ RUPERT G 6 Sean & Jake Casey 2 60.5kg 91
3 111326x421 THE BOSS LADY westSpeed Owner Standard M 4 Michael Lane 3 58.5kg 87
4 06015804x7 CHEVAL DE VAGA G 9 Steele Casey 4 58kg 86
5 217639x8x9 COLD SHIZZLE G 6 Darren McAuliffe 5 58kg 86
6 1x212025x9 SISU WARRIOR G 5 Grant & Alana Williams 6 57kg 84
7 x569x00x14 HELL I AM G 5 Grant & Alana Williams 7 56.5kg 83
8 1261328x20 FALCON TRADER G 5 Brett Pope 8 56kg 82
9 1x2x7x7552 INVESTMENTSTRATEGY westSpeed Platinum Owner + 4YO Extension G 4 Neville Parnham 9 55.5kg 81
10 42x8602311 MISS SKYHIGH M 4 Grant & Alana Williams 10 54kg 77
11 734249x383 BRUCE ALMIGHTY G 9 Neville Parnham 11 55kg 80
12 17x4557856 SUPERSESSION G 5 Adam Durrant 12 55kg 80
13 5931468x41 HESKET G 6 Dylan Bairstow 13 54kg 75
14 73x56489x0 BENJI’S G 7 Cliff Green 14 54kg 71
15 0534715199 RED DWARF G 9 Dom Celisano 15 54kg 67
Of $1,500,000.1st $822,000, 2nd $279,000, 3rd $132,000, 4th $58,500, 5th $43,500, 6th $27,000, 7th $27,000, 8th $27,000, 9th $27,000, 10th $27,000, Equine Welfare Fund $15,000 , Jockey Welfare Fund $15,000. GROUP 3
Standard Weight for Age, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Apprentices cannot claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 16 + 4 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Ballot Weight Penalty Hcp Rating
1 0x31142x29 WESTERN EMPIRE (NZ) G 7 Grant & Alana Williams 1 59kg 110
2 14490x0204 BUSTLER G 5 Neville Parnham 2 59kg 109
3 x84640x192 COMFORT ME G 8 Rhys Radford 3 59kg 109
4 0923x15557 SEARCHIN’ ROC’S M 6 Jim Taylor 4 57kg 105
5 0877x32139 SUPER SMINK M 4 Daniel Morton 5 57kg 105
6 1431x80334 MAGNIFICENT ANDY G 6 Stephen Miller 6 59kg 108
7 16x80x2402 VALOUR ROAD G 9 Simon A Miller 7 59kg 108
8 6076760x03 HOT ZED G 7 Lou Luciani 8 59kg 106
9 1211x12514 ROPE THEM IN G 4 Steve Wolfe 9 59kg 103
10 13x303x496 ZIPAWAY G 4 Neville Parnham 10 59kg 103
11 132x30x509 RIPCORD G 4 Luke Fernie 11 59kg
12 1603x69341 AZTEC RULER G 5 Stefan Vahala 12 59kg 100
13 0897x09165 MOJO RHYTHM G 6 Mitchell Pateman 13 59kg 100
14 x085360x60 RED CAN MAN G 8 Steve Wolfe 14 59kg 99
15 0x58575x48 TRIPLE MISSILE G 7 Donna Riordan 15 59kg 99
16 1x413 WIND AND THE LION G 3 Sean & Jake Casey 16 54kg 84
17 4x32812230 SALOON BAR G 5 Daniel Morton 17 59kg 98
18 1220x06867 LACED UP HEELS M 5 Luke Fernie 18 57kg 90
19 869x2480x3 DEVOTED G 6 Luke Fernie 19 59kg 92
20 9x21511x55 ROCKIN’ RUPERT G 6 Sean & Jake Casey 20 59kg 91
21 111326x421 THE BOSS LADY M 4 Michael Lane 21 57kg 87
22 3x426x3736 AMBER GLIDE M 5 Ross Price 22 57kg 84
23 3x2112x270 LUVNWAR (NZ) M 4 Michael Grantham 23 57kg 82
24 1133 OLYMPIC PARK (NZ) G 3 Michael Grantham 24 54kg 74
25 01421x70 DRAKAINA (NZ) M 4 Michael Grantham 25 57kg 68
26 23195 ARCADIA PARK (NZ) G 3 Michael Grantham 26 54kg 66
27 16x2231708 MAN CRUSH G 5 Luke Fernie 27 59kg 97
28 25632421x8 A LOT OF GOOD MEN H 4 Trevor Andrews 28 59kg 94
29 7x1111x470 BOOTS LIKE BRUCE G 7 Anne King 29 59kg 94
30 x5244x80x0 CLEMENCEAU G 6 Chris & Michael Gangemi 30 59kg 94
31 x4460x9000 MASSIMO G 8 Chris & Michael Gangemi 31 59kg 94
32 280x00x220 PHANTA G 7 Chris & Michael Gangemi 32 59kg 100
33 24531111x7 OLY’S CHOICE G 6 Daniel & Ben Pearce 33 59kg 89
34 2422151x34 ALL THE KING’S MEN G 5 Trevor Andrews 34 59kg 88
35 15x64x3694 RUSTY DREAMS M 5 Michael Lane 35 57kg 83
36 14020x1000 MOOD SWINGS G 8 George Dupre 36 59kg 99
37 09213x7850 LET’S GALAHVANT G 6 Daniel & Ben Pearce 37 59kg 105
38 614Dx11300 CRIPPALENKO G 5 Greg Beauglehole 38 59kg 84
39 4x34428x39 DUCHESS OF GOSSIP M 5 Peter Fernie 39 57kg 79
40 x569x00x14 HELL I AM G 5 Grant & Alana Williams 40 59kg 83
41 1126x31x6x STORMCHASER G 4 Luke Fernie 41 59kg 83
42 1x1111x673 TWAIN’S ANGEL M 4 Sean & Jake Casey 42 57kg 78
43 1x2x7x7552 INVESTMENTSTRATEGY G 4 Neville Parnham 43 59kg 81
44 12x4x95000 LIVE TO TELL M 4 Simon A Miller 44 57kg 76
45 17x60x9631 RUSSIAN TO THE BAR G 4 Luke Fernie 45 59kg 84
46 129x360x00 RESONATOR G 5 Chris & Michael Gangemi 46 59kg 79
47 1x218 SEPTEMBER BORN C 3 Neville Parnham 47 54kg 78
48 4x85141 CASHEL PALACE F 3 Daniel Morton 48 52kg 72
49 1x22825382 DEAMBER M 5 Stephanie Bakranich 49 57kg 72
50 5152x16820 MADHI GIRL F 3 Simon A Miller 50 52kg 72
51 32114x3306 BRAVE SPIRIT G 4 Steve Wolfe 51 59kg 75
52 1x414 REPOSSESSION G 3 Chris & Michael Gangemi 52 54kg 74
53 2x13226 RON’S FINALFLUTTER F 3 Daniel Morton 53 52kg 70
54 2x31153x68 SIREN ASSAULT F 3 Sean & Jake Casey 54 52kg 70
55 3232x0374 EARTHSTORM F 3 Russell Stewart 55 52kg 69
56 536x12x100 ELITE MISSILE G 3 Stephen Miller 56 54kg 71
57 22x113x978 STREET BAND C 3 Trevor Andrews 57 54kg 71
58 13x28179 TRUE APOSTLE G 3 Daniel Morton 58 54kg 69
59 91518x2428 TON OF GRUNT G 4 Rhys Radford 59 59kg 67
60 51x454x730 DEFINE BEAUTIFUL F 3 Trevor Andrews 60 52kg 62
61 1x469 HORCRUX G 3 Simon A Miller 61 54kg 66
62 116 MAGNA’S CHOICE G 3 Trevor Andrews 62 54kg 66
63 8x31 DAYTONA PETE G 3 Steve Wolfe 63 54kg 62
64 1221x23113 BELLA NIPOTINA M 7 Ciaron Maher 64 57kg
65 1330x36974 CELUI H 4 Brent Stanley 65 59kg
66 x766x10049 CHRYSAOR G 4 Chris Waller 66 59kg
67 3x111x2211 GRINGOTTS (NZ) G 5 Ciaron Maher 67 59kg
68 1x2512520x HANCHI G 4 Sean & Jake Casey 68 59kg
69 2x344x1109 I AM ME M 6 Ciaron Maher 69 57kg
70 131x90x850 KAIZAD G 4 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott 70 59kg
71 2120x76306 LADY LAGUNA M 5 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald 71 57kg
72 263656x589 MISS HELLFIRE M 5 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald 72 57kg
73 0x2417x143 OLENTIA M 5 Chris Waller 73 57kg
74 0x321x1110 OSTRAKA G 4 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald 74 59kg
75 26772x3661 PORT LOCKROY H 4 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald 75 59kg
76 034x466581 PRIVATE EYE G 7 Joseph Pride 76 59kg
77 10x70x3120 REVOLUTIONARY MISS M 5 Ciaron Maher 77 57kg
78 477105x607 ROLL ON HIGH M 4 Peter G Moody & Katherine Coleman 78 57kg
79 86410x7350 ROYAL MERCHANT M 5 Ciaron Maher 79 57kg
80 114227x191 RUNNING BY M 5 Ciaron Maher 80 57kg
81 34x190x07x SNOW PATROL (NZ) G 4 Mick Price & Michael Kent (Jnr) 81 59kg
82 2219x51394 SOUTHPORT TYCOON H 4 Ciaron Maher 82 59kg
83 12x9817x48 TAMERLANE G 7 James Cummings 83 59kg
84 5x1421x090 VEIGHT H 4 Tony & Calvin McEvoy 84 59kg
85 1260x21811 WILLAIDOW G 6 Marc Conners 85 59kg
86 x506223130 WILLIAMSBURG G 5 Brett Cavanough 86 59kg
87 4132x55065 COASTWATCH G 6 Richard & Will Freedman 87 59kg
88 25x1054762 ROBUSTO G 5 Bjorn Baker 88 59kg
89 6165x30430 MAGNASPIN G 5 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin 89 59kg
90 22x1111x67 ESPRIT GARCON G 5 Tiarnna Noske 90 59kg 75
91 x2226x3134 ALSEPHINA M 6 Grant & Alana Williams 91 57kg
92 642x534510 VAST ART G 5 Darren McAuliffe 92 59kg 94
93 6231243x58 RHEINBERG (NZ) G 6 Ben, Will & JD Hayes 93 59kg
94 1111331163 BARAQIEL G 6 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin 94 59kg
95 2181x57110 BELCLARE (NZ) M 7 Bjorn Baker 95 57kg
96 1135x DAGGERS C 3 Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young 96 54kg
97 112x4411 ANGLAND (NZ) G 4 Mick Price & Michael Kent (Jnr) 97 59kg
98 8010x01800 UNCLE BRYN (GB) G 7 Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young 98 59kg
99 123x2410 KUROYANAGI F 3 Will Clarken & Niki O'Shea 99 52kg
100 x715x89489 VON HAUKE (NZ) G 5 Cliff Brown 100 59kg
101 2231322x51 IKNOWASTAR G 5 Bjorn Baker 101 59kg
102 x26366x000 FOXY CLEOPATRA M 5 Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young 102 57kg
103 398x448886 THE ASTROLOGIST G 8 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin 103 59kg
104 6212532569 NICOLINI VITO G 7 Ben, Will & JD Hayes 104 59kg
105 40x533x504 THE INFERNO G 8 Cliff Brown 105 59kg
106 1174x23187 AMOR VICTORIOUS G 5 Bjorn Baker 106 59kg
107 3x12131220 CRAIG (GB) G 4 Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young 107 59kg
108 40x000x070 TRIX OF THE TRADE G 6 Colin Webster 108 59kg 102
109 12623x870 GOLDEN KATHLEEN F 3 Russell Stewart 109 52kg 68
110 2142x71872 BITTERCREEK C 3 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin 110 54kg
111 0248x60093 ALASKAN G 4 Neville Parnham 111 59kg 66
112 117x0x8x40 PLANET CASH G 5 Hayden Ballantyne 112 59kg 74
113 x2135x2869 OSCAR’S FORTUNE G 4 Gavin Bedggood 113 59kg
114 3x11x21 WEST STAR G 3 Simon A Miller 114 54kg 79
115 0x79111360 GENTLEMAN ROY G 8 Ben, Will & JD Hayes 115 59kg
116 9x14195458 SECOND TO NUN M 5 Will Clarken & Niki O'Shea 116 57kg
117 10x140x417 BABY PARIS M 5 Colin Webster 117 57kg 100
118 31210x2110 HERE TO SHOCK (NZ) G 7 Ben, Will & JD Hayes 118 59kg
119 1409x69498 MAKRAM (IRE) G 8 Ben, Will & JD Hayes 119 59kg
120 2x230x1140 ALMIGHTY CLASS G 4 Mitchell Pateman 120 59kg 92
121 0x04 GOD’LL GETYA G 3 Mitchell Pateman 121 54kg 57

New: Apprentice Riding Weight

For all race meetings conducted in WA, the Apprentice Riding Weight will now be displayed with the Apprentice allowance. The Apprentice Riding Weight is the riding weight of an Apprentice declared to RWWA Stewards at time of when acceptances for each Race Meetings. Apprentices must claim down to (and not below) their notified riding weight.

E.g. Jockey Name (a2/54kg)

© Racing WA (and other parties working with it). WA racing materials, including fields, form and horse racing results, is subject to copyright which is owned by Racing WA and other parties working with it.