Kembla Grange: Illawarra Turf Club Ltd Saturday, 04 January 2025

Meeting Type: Provincial (TAB MEETING)
Rail Position: +8m 1100m-W/Post, +5m Remainder
Dual Track Meeting: N
Track Type: Turf
Track Condition: Good 4
Weather: Fine
Track Information:
Scratchings Last Published: Sat 04-Jan-25 5:31PM AEDT
Total Number of starters for this meeting (including emergencies) 75

For Scratching Release Information Click Here.

To print the scratching sheet click the print button in your web browser.

----- New South Wales -----

Meeting: Saturday 4Jan2025 Illawarra Turf Club Ltd
Rail: +8m 1100m-W/Post, +5m Remainder Penetrometer:
Weather: Fine Total Scratchings: 28
Dual Track Meeting: N
Track Type: Turf Track Rating: Good 4
General Comment:
Irrigation: 3mm last 24hrs, 36mm last 7 days
Rainfall: Nil
Track Information:

Rail Position Last Meeting

+6m 1100m-W/Post, +5m Remainder


Race 1: 3 GHIELMI (4/1 0727)
  4 MOOCHI STARLIGHT (3/1 1046)
Race 2: 6 SHE CONQUERS (4/1 0702)
  10 ARE EE QUE (4/1 0712)
Race 3: 2 FIELD MASTER (4/1 0715)
  6 BENDRODT (4/1 0716)
  10 TOO MANY KISSES (3/1 1046)
  12 HERAION (4/1 0434)
  13 HARD RATTLE (4/1 0730)
Race 4: 1 REASONABLE (4/1 0725)
  4 TRAW (3/1 1622VC)
  11 MIA BALLERINA (4/1 0728)
Race 5: 1 DESERT VOICE (GB) (4/1 0633)
Race 6: 1 IRISH ANTHEM (4/1 0434)
  7 SLEUTH (3/1 1748)
  8 QUEEN OF DRAMA (4/1 0727)
  9 SPURLINE (3/1 1825)
  17e PREFER DIAMONDS (NZ) (4/1 0438)
  18e NAMBI GHIMA (4/1 0702)
Race 7: 1 CLEVER ART (3/1 0707)
  11 OH GOLLY GOSH (4/1 0435)
Race 8: 7 BLUFF ’N’ BLUSTER (2/1 1714)
  8 INCEPTION (4/1 0727)
  9 LEANDRA (4/1 0436)
  13 SPOTTHEFAKER (3/1 1601)
  15e AUTUMN DREAM (4/1 0729)

Late Scratchings

Race 3: 5 VIN SANTO (NZ) ()

Late Riders/Alterations

Race 1: 12e DARK STRATUM - Ms Jess Taylor
Race 3: 1 TOYBOX - Ms Deanne Panya
Race 6: 16e STORM HEART - Andrew Calder

Undeclared Riders

There are no undeclared riders

Duplicate Riders


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