Beaumont Newcastle: Newcastle Jockey Club Thursday, 26 December 2024

Meeting Type: Provincial (TAB MEETING)
Rail Position: +4m Entire
Dual Track Meeting: N
Track Type: Turf
Track Condition: Good 4
Weather: Fine
Track Information:
Scratchings Last Published: Thu 26-Dec-24 5:56PM AEDT
Total Number of starters for this meeting (including emergencies) 56

For Scratching Release Information Click Here.

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----- New South Wales -----

Meeting: Thursday 26Dec2024 Newcastle Jockey Club
Rail: +4m Entire Penetrometer:
Weather: Fine Total Scratchings: 21
Dual Track Meeting: N
Track Type: Turf Track Rating: Good 4
General Comment:
Irrigation: 4mm last 24hrs, 40mm last 7 days
Rainfall: Nil
Track Information:

Rail Position Last Meeting

+2m Entire


Race 1: 6 CERTAIN FUTURE (NZ) (26/12 0732)
Race 2: 7 HERON (23/12 1029)
Race 3: 4 GRAECI (23/12 1028)
  9 LIGHTLY SPARKLED (26/12 0706)
Race 4: 1 CASSIE’S LAD (26/12 0714)
  5 THINK WE’RE THERE (26/12 0326)
  6 ANA CAROLINA (26/12 0724)
  8 SCOTTISH PEARL (IRE) (26/12 0727)
  10 BLACK BABYLON (IRE) (24/12 1707VC)
  13e ILLENIUM (L/Stwds 0815)
Race 5: 8 PREFER TO BE READY (NZ) (26/12 0714)
  9 ENTHRALLED (26/12 0318)
Race 6: 1 EPICUS (26/12 0725)
  5 CEASEFIRE (26/12 0712)
  6 SMART SERENADE (26/12 0728)
  9 COASTAL GROOVE (26/12 0728)
  11 ZOUSAIN BOLT (24/12 1707VC)
Race 7: 1 RUSH HOUR (26/12 0614)
  4 DREAMS OF THUNDER (L/Vets 0815)
  6 ALL TOO LUCKY (26/12 0651)
  7 SCHOLL DEEP (26/12 0730)

Late Scratchings

There are no late scratchings

Late Riders/Alterations

Race 4: 12e SATURDAYS GIRL - Jean Van Overmeire
Race 5: 2 LOUNERSE - William Stanley (a3/55kg),
Race 6: 13e WEALTHY INVESTOR - Ms Mollie Fitzgerald (a3/52kg),
  14e TWO UP - William Stanley (a3/55kg),
Race 7: 10 LEAVE ME SOME - William Stanley (a3/55kg),
  12e TITAN STAR - Braith Nock (a2/53kg),

Undeclared Riders

There are no undeclared riders

Duplicate Riders


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