Albany: Albany Racing Club Thursday 16, March 2017

Meeting Type: Provincial (Non TAB MEETING)
Rail Position:
Dual Track Meeting: N
Track Type: Turf
Track Condition: N/A 4
Track Information:
Total Number of starters for this meeting (including emergencies) 12
Race 1 - 12:00AM OPN-TRL (1000 METRES)
Of $00.
Catch Weight, Apprentices cannot claim.

Track Type: Turf Timing Method: Manual

Color Finish No Horse Trainer Jockey Margin Bar. Weight Penalty Starting Price
1 1 LOVEJOY Garry Delane Ms Bonnie Palise (a0/52kg) 0 0kg
2 2 MR PAGO Steve Wolfe Peter Hall 0.25L 0 0kg
3 3 SONDHEIM Jonathon Jachmann Fred Kersley (a0/50kg) 0.75L 0 0kg
4 4 MAX Garry Delane Jason Whiting 1.75L 0 0kg
5 5 MYSTIC PINDAN Steve Wolfe Ms Shelby Colgate (a0/52kg) 2.25L 0 0kg
6 6 YING YANG MIDDLE Roy Rogers Lee Newman 2.5L 0 0kg
7 7 RAPID RICHES Paul Hunter Ms Casey Hunter (a0/53kg) 3.5L 0 0kg
Race 2 - 12:00AM OPN-TRL (1000 METRES)
Of $00.
Catch Weight, Apprentices cannot claim.

Track Type: Turf Timing Method: Manual

Color Finish No Horse Trainer Jockey Margin Bar. Weight Penalty Starting Price
1 1 CONFEDERATE Garry Delane Lee Newman 0 0kg
2 2 SOCIETY RIFF RAFF Annette Crump Ms Tash Faithfull 1.25L 0 0kg
3 3 EXEXCEL Debbie Panizza Mr Mitchell Pateman 2.5L 0 0kg
4 4 LIVEN UP LAD Steve Wolfe Ms Shelby Colgate (a0/52kg) 3L 0 0kg
5 5 WHITBY JET Mark Westthorp Ms Casey Hunter (a0/53kg) 8.75L 0 0kg
2 GIBRALTAR ROCK Garry Delane 0
5 DIME A DECOY Paul Hunter 0

New: Apprentice Riding Weight

For all race meetings conducted in WA, the Apprentice Riding Weight will now be displayed with the Apprentice allowance. The Apprentice Riding Weight is the riding weight of an Apprentice declared to RWWA Stewards at time of when acceptances for each Race Meetings. Apprentices must claim down to (and not below) their notified riding weight.

E.g. Jockey Name (a2/54kg)

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