Rosehill Gardens: Australian Turf Club Saturday, 22 March 2025

Meeting Type: Metro (TAB MEETING)
Rail Position: +3m Entire
Dual Track Meeting: N
Track Type: Turf
Track Condition: Good 4
Weather: Overcast
Penetrometer: 5.25
Track Information: Going Stick 9.4 Shear 12.3
Nominations Last Published: Tue 18-Mar-25 11:05AM AEDT
Weights declared by: Tue 18-Mar-25 4:00PM AEDT
Acceptances must be declared before: Wed 19-Mar-25 9:00AM AEDT
Riders must be declared before: Wed 19-Mar-25 12:00PM AEDT
Scratching close: Sat 22-Mar-25 7:30AM AEDT
Total Number of nominations for this meeting (including emergencies) 598

For more information on new NSW Apprentice Riding Weights feature click here

From 19 Sept 2018, an extra column “True Weight” will be displayed for NSW races.
TRUE WEIGHT : The true weight indicates what the individual horse handicap weight is by using the benchmark if no minimum was applicable.

From 1 September 2022, 1.5% of prizemoney will be paid to the Equine Welfare Fund, with 1% paid to the Jockeys Welfare Fund.

Race 1 - TAB GOLDEN SLIPPER [GROUP 1] (1200 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $5,000,000.1st $2,950,000, 2nd $850,000, 3rd $425,000, 4th $210,000, 5th $125,000, 6th $75,000, 7th $60,000, 8th $60,000, 9th $40,000, 10th $40,000, 11th $20,000, 12th $20,000, 13th $10,000, 14th $10,000, 15th $10,000, 16th $10,000, Equine Welfare Fund $75,000 , Jockey Welfare Fund $50,000. GROUP 1
Set Weights, Two-Years-Old, Apprentices cannot claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 16 + 4 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 ABOVE THE LAW G 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
2 453 ALABAMA MAGIC F 2 Brett Cavanough
3 1x57 ALEPPO PINE C 2 James Cummings
4 475 ALGORITHMIC C 2 Michael, John & Wayne Hawkes
5 69 ALIGNED G 2 Peter Snowden
6 6 ALL STAR C 2 Chris Waller
7 0 ANARCHIST C 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
8 0 ANGEL LADDER F 2 Ciaron Maher
9 2x APOCALYPTIC F 2 Michael Freedman
10 9 ARCHIMAGE G 2 David Pfieffer
11 20 ARCORA C 2 Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young
12 ARISTOCRAT C 2 Michael Freedman
13 4355 ARTISTIC VENTURE F 2 John O'Shea & Tom Charlton
14 ATLANTIC DIVA F 2 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
15 AUDITORY C 2 Michael Freedman
16 AUGUSTA NATIONAL C 2 John O'Shea & Tom Charlton
17 0x340 AUTUMN BLONDE F 2 John Sargent
18 AVON CALLING F 2 Brad Widdup
19 BAKED F 2 Anthony & Sam Freedman
20 4288 BARBAROSSA C 2 James Cummings
21 BARNBOUGLE F 2 Peter Snowden
22 BATTUTA C 2 Chris Waller
23 BEAUTIFUL BEVY F 2 Peter G Moody & Katherine Coleman
24 6x612 BEFUDDLE F 2 John Sadler
25 7219 BEIWACHT C 2 James Cummings
26 1x80 BEL MERCI F 2 John Thompson
27 7x12 BELLAZAINE F 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
28 8 BENEVAC G 2 Ciaron Maher
29 BEXLEY C 2 Clinton McDonald
30 BIG VEE C 2 Tom Dabernig
31 BILLABONG F 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
32 BILLUND G 2 Michael, John & Wayne Hawkes
33 6 BILTMORE C 2 Chris Waller
34 7 BLACKJACK G 2 Tony & Calvin McEvoy
35 9 BLETHYN C 2 Matt Laurie
36 49 BLINKED F 2 John O'Shea & Tom Charlton
37 1531 BLITZBURG C 2 Gerald Ryan & Sterling Alexiou
38 BOLD SOVEREIGN G 2 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
39 BOTTLES OF SHELLS F 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
40 BOYD C 2 Peter G Moody & Katherine Coleman
41 3 BRAZENGA C 2 Ciaron Maher
42 BRUTELLI F 2 Michael, John & Wayne Hawkes
43 6x BUCKEYE C 2 John O'Shea & Tom Charlton
44 3x66 BUFFALO G 2 David Atkins
45 2x44 BURMA STAR C 2 James Cummings
46 CABRIOLE C 2 James Cummings
47 CADA ESTRELLA (NZ) C 2 Bjorn Baker
48 CALL ME INVINCIBLE C 2 Neville Parnham
49 49 CANNYWORTH G 2 Glen Thompson
50 5x CANTIAMO F 2 Kris Lees
51 CAPE COD F 2 Paul Messara & Leah Gavranich
52 217 CAVALRY GIRL F 2 Tom Dabernig
53 CAVIAR C 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
54 CELESTIAL GRACE F 2 Gary Portelli
55 CHAINS OF LOVE F 2 Paul Messara & Leah Gavranich
56 CHATSWORTH G 2 Gary Portelli
57 2743 CHERGUI C 2 James Cummings
58 10 CHERISH ME F 2 Ciaron Maher
59 8x CHICAMA C 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
60 CHICK’N’STAR F 2 Jason Warren
61 202 COBRA CLUB C 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
62 1x265 COMEDY C 2 James Cummings
63 300 COMMANDING BELLE F 2 Robert & Luke Price
64 CONDONE C 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
65 3 CONGRESSMAN C 2 Chris Waller
66 1 CONSCIENCE F 2 Peter G Moody & Katherine Coleman
67 CONVERT G 2 Robert & Luke Price
68 5x428x COOL ARCHIE C 2 Chris & Corey Munce
69 COOL AZA BREEZE F 2 Ciaron Maher
70 49 COSMIC AVENGER C 2 John Sargent
71 59 COSMIC SHOWER F 2 Phillip Stokes
72 COSTA DEL SOL C 2 Paul Messara & Leah Gavranich
73 COSTA PAROS G 2 Ben, Will & JD Hayes
74 COURT ANGEL F 2 Matthew Dunn
75 7x CROSSBOW G 2 Chris Waller
76 2x848 CROWN THE KING C 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
77 737 CUSTOM F 2 James Cummings
78 DAME FLORENCE F 2 Ciaron Maher
79 253 DAPHNES F 2 James Cummings
80 2x DARN HOT LADY F 2 Toby Edmonds & Stephen McLean
81 DECALOGUE C 2 Ciaron Maher
82 0000 DEEP AFFECTION F 2 John Thompson
83 7x DERIVATIVE C 2 Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young
84 DESIGNER G 2 Michael, John & Wayne Hawkes
85 21 DEVIL NIGHT C 2 Michael, John & Wayne Hawkes
86 DICKENS C 2 Clinton McDonald
87 866 DIVINE SECRETS (NZ) F 2 Peter Snowden
88 DOMESTIC BLISS F 2 Tom Dabernig
89 DUKE ATREIDES C 2 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
90 ECHANNAY (NZ) F 2 Mark Walker
91 9 EMALYN F 2 Nathan Doyle
92 3x6 ENCHANTED BY F 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
93 EQUERRY C 2 Chris Waller
94 ESCARGOES C 2 Brad Widdup
95 ESHA F 2 Shane Nichols
96 ESSESSBEE C 2 Stuart Kendrick
97 EUROPEAN C 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
98 7 EXCELS F 2 Grahame Begg
99 6 EXCENIA F 2 Tony & Calvin McEvoy
100 9 EXIT F 2 Ciaron Maher
101 EXPLICIT C 2 Gerald Ryan & Sterling Alexiou
102 67 EXPULSION F 2 Anthony & Sam Freedman
103 3x306 EXTRACTOR C 2 Michael Freedman
104 EYES OF BLUE F 2 Peter G Moody & Katherine Coleman
105 0x7 FAIRY STEPS F 2 Luke Oliver
106 0x7 FAR MORE RADIANT F 2 Tony & Calvin McEvoy
107 12 FARCITED C 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
108 FARNICLE C 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
109 5 FARNISHED G 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
110 6 FEEL THE BREEZE F 2 Gerald Ryan & Sterling Alexiou
111 3x60 FERMOY C 2 Chris Waller
112 FINE WINE F 2 Gary Portelli
113 FIREBALL MISS F 2 Ciaron Maher
114 8 FORCEOFONE (NZ) G 2 Ben, Will & JD Hayes
115 FRONT RANK C 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
116 13 FROSTFIRE C 2 Michael Freedman
117 5 FROTHY MACAW F 2 Matthew Seyers
118 26x74 GAEILGE C 2 James Cummings
119 413x GALLO NERO C 2 Michael, John & Wayne Hawkes
120 6x75 GAMBLER G 2 Peter Snowden
121 8x GIDDY GIRL F 2 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
122 GLORY AWAITS C 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
123 GOD’S EYE C 2 Anthony & Sam Freedman
124 2x42 GOOD HOTSPUR C 2 Gerald Ryan & Sterling Alexiou
125 31241 GRAFTERBURNERS C 2 Kelly Schweida
126 2 GRAND EAGLE C 2 Gerald Ryan & Sterling Alexiou
127 5x HAD IT ALL F 2 Michael Freedman
128 HEADBANGER F 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
129 530 HEAVENLY CONQUEST F 2 Ciaron Maher
130 106x HI BARBIE F 2 Tony Gollan
131 1x50 HIATUS F 2 Tony & Calvin McEvoy
132 4x HIDDEN MOTIVE C 2 Nathan Doyle
133 HIGH ON THE HILL C 2 Ciaron Maher
134 HIGHER COMMAND C 2 Grahame Begg
135 2689 HILLIER C 2 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
136 HORATIUS C 2 Clinton McDonald
137 1x HOT WHISKERS F 2 Phillip Stokes
138 3 I AM OVERS F 2 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
139 14210x ICARIAN DREAM F 2 Ciaron Maher
140 74 I’M A CONDYGIRL F 2 Clinton Taylor
141 73 IMMERSE F 2 James Cummings
142 IMPACT ZONE C 2 Peter Snowden
143 34 IN LIMBO F 2 Gerald Ryan & Sterling Alexiou
144 IN THE VAULT C 2 Clinton McDonald
145 INSPIRED LEGEND C 2 Les Bridge
146 4 INVINCIBLE PHANTOM C 2 Bjorn Baker
147 10x INVINCIBLE WOMAN F 2 Lloyd Kennewell & Lucy Yeomans
148 JESSICA RABBIT F 2 Mick Price & Michael Kent (Jnr)
149 JUST EMPRESSIVE F 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
150 JUST LIKE JACK C 2 Anthony Cummings
151 KADESKY C 2 Chris Waller
152 178 KARINSKA F 2 Chris Waller
153 9 KERBER F 2 Ciaron Maher
154 KILBRANNAN C 2 Gary Portelli
155 11 KING OF POP C 2 Gerald Ryan & Sterling Alexiou
156 KING’S ANCHOR C 2 Tony & Calvin McEvoy
157 KINGSBURY C 2 Clinton McDonald
158 KISS GOODNIGHT F 2 Clarry Conners
159 KOKATAHI (NZ) G 2 Chris Waller
160 10 KUJENGA F 2 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
161 3110x LA BELLA BOOM F 2 Tony Gollan
162 20 LA REINE F 2 Shane Nichols
163 LAMBERTINA (NZ) F 2 John O'Shea & Tom Charlton
164 LAVENDER ROSE F 2 Bjorn Baker
165 1 LIGHTHOUSE LASS F 2 Cassandra Stummer
166 LIGHTNESS (NZ) F 2 Brad Widdup
167 LIONS EYES C 2 Bryce Heys
168 LOERA F 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
169 9 LORD CODA G 2 Ciaron Maher
170 5x1 LOVE TO TORQUE F 2 Stuart Kendrick
171 311x0x LUVA FLUTTA C 2 Stuart Kendrick
172 8 MAC DADDY FLEX F 2 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
173 MACHRIMORE F 2 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
174 34x MADDIE’S COMET F 2 Chris & Corey Munce
175 MAINSTAY C 2 Paul Messara & Leah Gavranich
176 MAJESTIC LEGEND F 2 Les Bridge
177 7 MAKE MINE MOET F 2 Chris Waller
178 MAKHACHEV C 2 Chris Waller
179 MARGIN CALL C 2 Ciaron Maher
180 12 MARHOONA F 2 Michael Freedman
181 MARIANA MISS F 2 Brad Widdup
182 MASHEAN F 2 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
183 5 MASTER OF THE AIR C 2 Chris Waller
184 55 MATIAS C 2 Gerald Ryan & Sterling Alexiou
185 MAXIS LEGACY (NZ) G 2 Michael Freedman
186 MCKINSTRY C 2 Chris Waller
187 58 MELANITE C 2 John Thompson
188 0 MELROSE F 2 Robbie Griffiths
189 3x23281 MEMO F 2 Peter Snowden
190 48 MENSHEVIK C 2 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
191 MILES OF GLORY F 2 Michael Freedman
192 MILITARY LEGEND F 2 Les Bridge
193 7x1 MILITARY TYCOON F 2 Ciaron Maher
194 MILK FOAM F 2 Gary Portelli
195 84 MINERAL RESOURCES C 2 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
196 1x4405 MISS CELINE F 2 Ben, Will & JD Hayes
197 9 MISS FLEETWOOD F 2 Michael Freedman
198 MISS FUNNY HONEY F 2 Stuart Kendrick
199 MISS NAVRATILOVA F 2 Ben, Will & JD Hayes
200 MISS OLE F 2 Clinton McDonald
201 21 MISSILE MAGNATE C 2 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
202 MONOPOLISTIC (NZ) C 2 Chris Waller
203 128 MY GLADIOLA F 2 John McArdle
204 MYTHOLOGY F 2 Michael Freedman
205 0x29 NAIFAH F 2 Tony & Calvin McEvoy
206 322 NAMASTE (NZ) C 2 Bjorn Baker
207 62 NAPOLEONIC C 2 John O'Shea & Tom Charlton
208 3 NEPOTISM C 2 Michael, John & Wayne Hawkes
209 1 NEXT JEN F 2 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
210 NIELSEN PARK C 2 Anthony & Sam Freedman
211 NO WOMAN NO CRY G 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
212 NORDIC STRIKE C 2 Ciaron Maher
213 31x5 NORTH ENGLAND C 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
214 NORTOKO G 2 Gary Portelli
215 25151x O’ OLE F 2 Bjorn Baker
216 OCTOBER MANIFESTO C 2 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
217 5x5 ODESSA F 2 Tony & Calvin McEvoy
218 37 OHOPE C 2 James Cummings
219 570 OLATUNDE G 2 Peter G Moody & Katherine Coleman
220 1 OLE DANCER F 2 Peter G Moody & Katherine Coleman
221 1666 OPEN SECRET F 2 John Thompson
222 68 ORGANICS F 2 James Cummings
223 ORLOFF C 2 Michael Freedman
224 6 PACIFIC GLAMOUR F 2 Tony & Calvin McEvoy
225 140 PALLATON C 2 Michael Freedman
226 PARSLEY BAY C 2 Chris Waller
227 39 PELEUS C 2 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
228 PERCOLATE F 2 Ciaron Maher
229 5x39 PERLE DE CHOCOLAT F 2 Gerald Ryan & Sterling Alexiou
231 PHIL UP C 2 Stuart Kendrick
232 754 PINOT NERO C 2 John Ramsey
233 PLAINTIFF F 2 Peter Snowden
234 1 PLEASURE QUEEN F 2 Gerald Ryan & Sterling Alexiou
235 3x POINT BARROW F 2 Anthony & Sam Freedman
236 PORTOFINO C 2 Chris Waller
237 POWERHOUSE C 2 Peter Snowden
238 34x279 PRICE TAG F 2 Anthony & Sam Freedman
239 PROVIDENCE C 2 Chris Waller
240 PURE OCTANE C 2 Bjorn Baker
241 23 PURE PASSION F 2 Peter G Moody & Katherine Coleman
242 87x QUEEN OF CLUBS F 2 Gary Portelli
243 4193 QUIETLY ARROGANT C 2 Peter Snowden
244 RANGER F 2 User Unspecified
245 RECKLESS STAR C 2 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
246 67x RED BARRON C 2 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin
247 7 RED HOT ROSIE F 2 Edward O'Rourke
248 REMINISCENCE C 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
249 1x111 RETURN TO CONQUER C 2 Mark Walker
250 RHINESTONE COWGIRL F 2 Peter G Moody & Katherine Coleman
251 RISE AND RESIST C 2 Stuart Kendrick
252 111 RIVELLINO C 2 Kris Lees
253 RIVENDELL G 2 Peter Snowden
254 ROMA GREEN G 2 Bjorn Baker
255 7 ROSIE ROUGE F 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
256 0 ROYAL AIR FORCE C 2 Chris Waller
257 RUSKANA C 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
258 68 SAFEDEEL G 2 Luke Pepper
259 SAMUDRA F 2 Mark Walker
260 SAN GIOVANNI G 2 Michael Freedman
261 353 SANCTIFIED (NZ) C 2 Gerald Ryan & Sterling Alexiou
262 SANTANA C 2 Michael, John & Wayne Hawkes
263 SATIRICALLY C 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
264 SAUVITUDE C 2 Anthony Cummings
265 SAVAII G 2 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
266 25 SAVVY HALLIE F 2 Brad Widdup
267 6x2 SCRUMPTIOUS F 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
268 0 SEA ADMIRAL C 2 John Thompson
269 SENJUTSU C 2 Bjorn Baker
270 SEVEN DAYS F 2 Brad Widdup
271 SHADY ROAD F 2 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
272 SHE’S ASSORT F 2 Richard Litt
273 8 SICILIAN WARRIOR C 2 Matt Laurie
274 SIKKA F 2 Gerald Ryan & Sterling Alexiou
275 4x2 SISSTAINABLE F 2 Tony & Calvin McEvoy
276 SIXTIES C 2 Chris Waller
277 SIYOOF F 2 Anthony & Sam Freedman
278 321 SKYHOOK C 2 Gerald Ryan & Sterling Alexiou
279 SMOKEFALL C 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
280 SOLESTE F 2 Peter G Moody & Katherine Coleman
281 4 SPICE PRAWN F 2 Peter Snowden
282 SPICE QUEEN F 2 Chris & Corey Munce
283 STARDOM F 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
284 STARDUST MEMORIES F 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
285 13 STATE VISIT C 2 Ciaron Maher
286 7 STEADY ON C 2 Tony & Calvin McEvoy
287 9126 STEEL KNIGHT C 2 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
288 14 STRADA VARENNA F 2 Bjorn Baker
289 SUPER CHOICE C 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
290 8 SUPERGRACE F 2 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin
291 SUPERIOR DAME F 2 Robbie Griffiths
292 0 SUPERLIV F 2 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin
293 SUPERMASSIVE G 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
294 8x SWEET FARNAN F 2 Peter G Moody & Katherine Coleman
295 SWIFT LEGEND C 2 Les Bridge
296 TAMBELOA C 2 Kristen Buchanan
297 TAXATION F 2 James Cummings
298 36x TELLING C 2 Peter Snowden
299 1271 TEMPTED F 2 James Cummings
300 5121 TENTYRIS C 2 Anthony & Sam Freedman
301 TEXAS C 2 Bjorn Baker
302 THE CONFIDANTE G 2 Peter Snowden
303 13414 THE PLAYWRIGHT F 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
304 60 TONG HO C 2 James Cummings
305 TOO MUCH TOO SOON F 2 Shane Nichols
306 22x TORQUE TO BE SURE C 2 Matthew Dunn
307 TRAPDOOR G 2 Michael, John & Wayne Hawkes
308 TRES MAGNIFIQUE F 2 Ciaron Maher
309 TRIAL BY FIRE C 2 Ciaron Maher
310 8 TRIUMVIRATE G 2 John O'Shea & Tom Charlton
311 778 TROPIC C 2 Chris Waller
312 TRY ME F 2 Todd Howlett
313 72 TSAVO C 2 James Cummings
314 47x4 TUPAKARA F 2 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
315 6x TURBO TORQUE G 2 Stuart Kendrick
316 5x TUSCANY C 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
317 14x434 TYCOON STAR C 2 Ben, Will & JD Hayes
318 274 UNITED STATES C 2 Chris Waller
319 7x49 VALEDICTORIAN C 2 Michael Freedman
320 VAN HOVEN C 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
321 7 VAREJAO G 2 Stuart Kendrick
322 0x95 VICTORY TUNE G 2 Robbie Griffiths
323 VIOLACEOUS F 2 Stuart Kendrick
324 60 VIVIAN’S EXPRESS F 2 Richard & Will Freedman
325 VOLKANO G 2 Tony & Calvin McEvoy
326 9x VOTING RIGHTS F 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
327 WASAI C 2 Clinton McDonald
328 WASHINGTON LILAC F 2 Peter G Moody & Katherine Coleman
329 WENTWORTH FALLS C 2 Anthony & Sam Freedman
330 2x2 WEST OF SWINDON C 2 Michael, John & Wayne Hawkes
331 WHOA NELLIE F 2 Brad Widdup
332 WILLINGHAM C 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
333 2330 WILTSHIRE SQUARE F 2 Ciaron Maher
334 38x50 WINMAR C 2 Ben, Will & JD Hayes
335 1121 WITHIN THE LAW F 2 Bjorn Baker
336 132 WODETON C 2 Chris Waller
337 0 WOOTTON LASS F 2 John Sargent
338 9 WOOTTON PLEASE F 2 Kris Lees
339 WRITTEN IN WRATH G 2 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
340 YAKITORI F 2 Stuart Kendrick
341 4505 YOLO C 2 Ciaron Maher
342 20 YOU’RE THE CHOICE F 2 Brad Widdup
343 27x ZOUCLAIRE F 2 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin
344 ZOUFAME C 2 Bjorn Baker
Race 2 - GEORGE RYDER STAKES [GROUP 1] (1500 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $1,000,000.1st $580,000, 2nd $190,000, 3rd $96,000, 4th $42,000, 5th $21,000, 6th $10,000, 7th $10,000, 8th $10,000, 9th $8,000, 10th $8,000, Equine Welfare Fund $15,000 , Jockey Welfare Fund $10,000. GROUP 1
Standard Weight for Age, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Apprentices cannot claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 19 + 4 EM    NOMINATIONS EXTENDED TO: 18/03/2025 11:00:00 AM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 56x811229x BUCKAROO (GB) G 6 Chris Waller 113
2 5111x867x9 CELESTIAL LEGEND H 4 Les Bridge 108
3 8x61211x45 CEOLWULF (NZ) G 4 Joseph Pride 115
4 15x0125x6x DARNATION (IRE) M 4 Ciaron Maher 104
5 0x714053x7 ENCAP G 4 Gary Portelli 102
6 12x3163x12 FANGIRL M 6 Chris Waller 118
7 1416x4117x FULL COUNT FELICIA (USA) M 6 Chris Waller 110
8 11x22110x3 GRINGOTTS (NZ) G 5 Ciaron Maher 112
9 365x34260x KOVALICA (NZ) G 5 Chris Waller 107
10 4x41034x46 MAKARENA M 4 Michael, John & Wayne Hawkes 106
11 158x2233x0 MILITARIZE (NZ) G 4 Chris Waller 110
12 2133x2121x MOIRA (CAN) M 6 Chris Waller 112
13 772x36610x PORT LOCKROY H 4 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald 107
14 54x13337x1 ROYAL PATRONAGE (FR) H 6 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott 114
15 531x2954x8 STEFI MAGNETICA M 4 Bjorn Baker 113
16 4x15243x21 TOM KITTEN G 4 James Cummings 115
17 2x15111x31 VIA SISTINA (IRE) M 7 Chris Waller 124
Race 3 - RANVET STAKES [GROUP 1] (2000 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $1,000,000.1st $580,000, 2nd $190,000, 3rd $96,000, 4th $42,000, 5th $21,000, 6th $10,000, 7th $10,000, 8th $10,000, 9th $8,000, 10th $8,000, Equine Welfare Fund $15,000 , Jockey Welfare Fund $10,000. GROUP 1
Standard Weight for Age, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Apprentices cannot claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 18 + 4 EM    NOMINATIONS EXTENDED TO: 18/03/2025 11:00:00 AM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 x26314383x AL MUBHIR (GB) H 6 William Haggas 106
2 42x8001x78 ATHABASCAN (FR) G 6 John O'Shea & Tom Charlton 104
3 x274140x82 ATTRITION H 5 Mitchell Freedman 110
4 173172x22x DUBAI HONOUR (IRE) G 7 William Haggas 123
5 5524419x12 DUKE DE SESSA (IRE) G 6 Ciaron Maher 111
6 12x3163x12 FANGIRL M 6 Chris Waller 118
7 1131x051x4 FAWKNER PARK (IRE) G 6 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald 111
8 1416x4117x FULL COUNT FELICIA (USA) M 6 Chris Waller 110
9 8511136x66 GOLDEN PATH (NZ) G 5 Mick Price & Michael Kent (Jnr) 104
10 10x018x233 LINDERMANN G 5 Chris Waller 111
11 2133x2121x MOIRA (CAN) M 6 Chris Waller 112
12 31x0216x00 RED ACES C 3 Nick Ryan 82
13 2x15111x31 VIA SISTINA (IRE) M 7 Chris Waller 124
14 x182x065x8 ZARAKEM (FR) H 5 Ciaron Maher 114
Race 4 - THE GALAXY [GROUP 1] (1100 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $1,000,000.1st $580,000, 2nd $190,000, 3rd $96,000, 4th $42,000, 5th $21,000, 6th $10,000, 7th $10,000, 8th $10,000, 9th $8,000, 10th $8,000, Equine Welfare Fund $15,000 , Jockey Welfare Fund $10,000. GROUP 1
Handicap, Minimum Weight 50kg, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Apprentices cannot claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 14 + 6 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 115x1x1315 ARABIAN SUMMER F 3 Tony & Calvin McEvoy 98
2 12120022x6 ARKANSAW KID G 4 Ben, Will & JD Hayes 105
3 111x1411x BRIASA G 4 Michael, John & Wayne Hawkes 102
4 4x57x58331 BRUDENELL G 5 Kris Lees 101
5 50x05203x5 COAL CRUSHER G 7 Joseph Pride 109
6 x141x24x31 COMMEMORATIVE M 4 James Cummings 97
7 x41x7412x6 DRAGONSTONE G 6 Joseph Pride 105
8 250x3135x1 EAGLE NEST M 5 Gerald Ryan & Sterling Alexiou 103
9 115x4719x0 ESTRIELLA M 4 Ciaron Maher 106
10 10354x2543 EXTREMELY LUCKY G 6 Will Clarken & Niki O'Shea 94
11 16x354x22x FRONT PAGE G 8 Matthew Dale 103
12 1x11233x74 GROWING EMPIRE C 3 Ciaron Maher 106
13 44x1109x03 I AM ME M 6 Ciaron Maher 112
14 2121x281x1 JEDIBEEL (NZ) G 5 Brad Widdup 106
15 737x1120x1 JIMMYSSTAR (NZ) G 5 Ciaron Maher 108
16 120x76306x LADY LAGUNA M 5 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald 111
17 72x3254x65 MAZU G 6 Joseph Pride 109
18 21x1110x97 OSTRAKA G 4 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald 103
19 1111x PRIVATE HARRY C 3 Nathan Doyle 100
20 1x125x6 RESERVE BANK C 3 Mick Price & Michael Kent (Jnr) 82
21 x32212x130 REY MAGNERIO G 5 Robbie Griffiths 105
22 143507x130 SHEZANALISTER M 5 Bjorn Baker 92
23 x133x27612 TIME TO BOOGIE G 5 Michael Freedman 93
24 x323x587x4 UNCOMMON JAMES G 6 Matthew Hoysted 109
25 14134x611 WINNASEDGE G 3 Nick Ryan 85
Race 5 - ROSEHILL GUINEAS [GROUP 1] (2000 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $750,000.1st $430,000, 2nd $141,000, 3rd $71,500, 4th $33,250, 5th $18,000, 6th $7,500, 7th $7,500, 8th $7,500, 9th $7,500, 10th $7,500, Equine Welfare Fund $11,250 , Jockey Welfare Fund $7,500. GROUP 1
Set Weights, Three-Years-Old, Apprentices cannot claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 18 + 4 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 224 ACELUM G 3 Glen Thompson
2 416112x34 AELIANA (NZ) F 3 Chris Waller 96
3 86x36 AMERICAN WOLF (NZ) G 3 Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young
4 322221x322 ATHANATOS G 3 Phillip Stokes
5 77 ATTACK FORCE (NZ) G 3 Glen Thompson
6 421 AUTOMNE TREE G 3 Chris Waller 64
7 52422x BELLA MONTAGNA (NZ) F 3 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
8 75x53314 BERNEN WIN G 3 John Thompson 62
9 73x33 BLACK BABYLON (IRE) G 3 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
10 BOURBON PROOF C 3 Stephen Marsh
11 44 BRILLIANT KNIGHT G 3 Paul Messara & Leah Gavranich
12 11x1430x12 BROADSIDING C 3 James Cummings 111
13 2113143 CHECKMATE (NZ) G 3 Lance O'Sullivan & Andrew Scott
14 10x9623x9 CHINA SEA G 3 John Sargent 88
15 214 CLIMB THE LADDER (NZ) G 3 Chris Waller 65
16 14x COCOBILL (NZ) G 3 Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young
17 COMPRESSING (NZ) G 3 Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young
18 112 CONFETTI GARDEN G 3 Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young
19 14 DEAL N’ DASH G 3 Bjorn Baker
20 21x322x763 DECLICHY BOULEVARD F 3 Chris Waller 82
21 5x DEEL ME A QUEEN F 3 Paul Messara & Leah Gavranich
22 122 DEEP FOCUS (NZ) C 3 Paul Shailer
23 31x798x525 DEPTH OF CHARACTER G 3 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald 73
24 1144x40 DETROIT CITY G 3 Dominic Sutton
25 5x7244x3 EL PASO G 3 Michael, John & Wayne Hawkes
26 3114 EMPHASIZE (NZ) G 3 Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young 70
27 10x43Px55 EMPRESS OF JAPAN (NZ) F 3 Michael Freedman 59
28 7x12166 ENTRUSTING C 3 Ben, Will & JD Hayes
29 111139x342 EVAPORATE (NZ) G 3 Ben, Will & JD Hayes
30 14x7423x31 FEROCE (NZ) G 3 Dominic Sutton
31 51x345 FIFTYFIVECHEVY G 3 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald 57
32 2133x77 FIRM AGREEMENT G 3 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald 84
33 318 FLYING FROM ABOVE C 3 Peter Snowden 64
34 9x0133519 FULL METAL JACKET G 3 Gary Portelli 63
35 3322483 GOLDEN CENTURY (NZ) G 3 Tony Pike
36 112211x943 GOLDRUSH GURU C 3 Andrew Gluyas
37 7100 GREY AREA (NZ) G 3 Roger James & Robert Wellwood
38 475x3x18 GULFSTATE G 3 Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young
39 21448 HAKKINEN (NZ) G 3 Mark Walker
40 6615x0 HAMMETT G 3 Chris Waller 64
41 313x23 HARDPOINT (NZ) G 3 Brad Widdup 62
42 13x6262x90 HENLEIN C 3 Anthony & Sam Freedman
43 221 HIGH PRAISE (NZ) G 3 Greg Eurell
44 0x251x38 HORIZONS F 3 Richard & Will Freedman 60
45 11 HURSTVILLE ZAGREB G 3 John O'Shea & Tom Charlton 64
46 410x78x733 IMPERIALIST (NZ) G 3 Chris Waller
47 32x1136 JUST PRECIOUS F 3 Stuart Kendrick
48 2155x KING OF ENTERPRISE (NZ) G 3 Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young
49 231737x71 KING OF THUNDER (NZ) G 3 John O'Shea & Tom Charlton 79
50 710x70 KING’S CORONATION C 3 Doug Harrison
51 314334x575 KIWI SKYHAWK (NZ) G 3 Stephen Marsh
52 8x74218x12 KOSUKE C 3 Gregory McFarlane 66
53 32x11x111 LADY SHENANDOAH F 3 Chris Waller 112
54 112x46x261 LINEBACKER (NZ) G 3 John O'Shea & Tom Charlton 106
55 163x LIVIN’ THING G 3 John O'Shea & Tom Charlton 61
56 2x43241 MAJORCA SUNSET G 3 Bjorn Baker 65
57 7x07 MEMPHIS TENNESSEE (NZ) G 3 John O'Shea & Tom Charlton
58 313x4 MOVIN OUT (NZ) F 3 Chris Waller 90
59 41231 MR VERSE (IRE) G 3 Tony & Calvin McEvoy
60 30x531494 MUSTANG MORGAN (NZ) G 3 Andrew Forsman
61 63439x110 MY PHAR LADY F 3 Richard & Will Freedman 63
62 12171x729 NDOLA C 3 Ben, Will & JD Hayes 80
63 8x211288x8 NOISES F 3 Brad Widdup 66
64 1130 OCEANA DREAM (NZ) G 3 Roger James & Robert Wellwood
65 7511x16 OUR BENEFACTOR (NZ) C 3 Bevan Laming 71
66 3x3340 PICCADERRO G 3 Ciaron Maher
67 3156x25 PLYMOUTH G 3 Glen Thompson 76
68 12x212931 POCKETING G 3 Richard & Will Freedman 68
69 49x3123118 POINT AND SHOOT G 3 Bjorn Baker
70 x434122x06 POWERS OF OPAL (NZ) F 3 John Sargent 86
71 5x9546150 PROCHESTER (NZ) G 3 Andrew Forsman
72 1525x148 PUBLIC ATTENTION (NZ) C 3 Mick Price & Michael Kent (Jnr)
73 RAVEN BLACK (NZ) G 3 John O'Shea & Tom Charlton
74 8131x7 REAL CLASS (NZ) F 3 Chris Waller 86
75 31x0216x00 RED ACES C 3 Nick Ryan 82
76 81x62 RUMBLING NIGHT (IRE) G 3 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott
77 36x353154 SACRIFY G 3 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
78 37118x0 SAINT EMILION G 3 Ciaron Maher
79 3122x4110 SAVOUR THE DREAM (NZ) C 3 Bevan Laming
80 021352x05 SCARY (NZ) C 3 Emma-Lee & David Browne
81 2x111x3 SHANGRI LA SPRING C 3 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott 71
82 374x5111 SHANWAH (NZ) G 3 Ciaron Maher
83 7202253140 SKIPPERS CANYON (NZ) G 3 Phillip Stokes
84 31x1 SO MAGNIFICENT C 3 Todd Smart
85 52x130 SPACEBALLS F 3 Ciaron Maher
86 281142x50 STATUARIO G 3 Emma-Lee & David Browne
87 740x56 SURAT DISTRICT (NZ) G 3 Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young
88 21x1126x23 SWIFTFALCON G 3 Michael, John & Wayne Hawkes 100
89 x261150x08 TENBURY WELLS G 3 Brad Widdup 69
90 231612 THEDOCTOROFLOVE G 3 Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young
91 1x21111x11 TREASURETHE MOMENT F 3 Matt Laurie
92 871011 TSITSIPAS (NZ) G 3 Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young
93 242x5 VIKTOR G 3 Bjorn Baker
94 11250x59 WINGS OF DESIRE F 3 Michael Freedman 68
95 43x641 WOLFESS (NZ) F 3 Greg Eurell
Race 6 - BIRTHDAY CARD STAKES [GROUP 3] (1200 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $250,000.1st $140,000, 2nd $46,250, 3rd $22,400, 4th $11,000, 5th $6,100, 6th $4,000, 7th $3,500, 8th $3,500, 9th $3,500, 10th $3,500, Equine Welfare Fund $3,750 , Jockey Welfare Fund $2,500. GROUP 3
Quality, Minimum Weight 54kg, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Fillies and Mares, Apprentices cannot claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 18 + 4 EM    NOMINATIONS EXTENDED TO: 18/03/2025 11:00:00 AM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 2319x1542x ASGARDA M 5 Doug Gorrel 80
2 9x42119x44 AUSTMARR M 4 Anthony & Sam Freedman 84
3 111x AUTUMN GLOW F 3 Chris Waller 97
4 4x150x496x COCO JAMBOO (IRE) M 5 Peter Snowden 95
5 x141x24x31 COMMEMORATIVE M 4 James Cummings 97
6 21x6796365 COSY CORNER M 4 Paul Perry 68
7 1217x19x07 DRIFTING F 3 Peter Snowden 84
8 63656x589x MISS HELLFIRE M 5 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald 88
9 11x34x112 OUTBACK MISS M 4 Mick Price & Michael Kent (Jnr) 88
10 x63839x805 OVERRIDING M 5 Nathan Doyle 87
11 7x009x1913 PHOTOGRAPHICS (NZ) F 3 John Sargent 73
12 12x7922x6x ROSE BLOOM (IRE) M 4 Chris Waller 94
13 143507x130 SHEZANALISTER M 5 Bjorn Baker 92
14 x241x33614 SPRING LEE M 4 Bjorn Baker 88
15 126243x853 TASHI M 5 Peter Snowden 95
16 3x11x1351x WOOLOOWIN M 4 Nathan Doyle 84
Race 7 - EPONA STAKES [GROUP 3] (1900 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $250,000.1st $140,000, 2nd $46,250, 3rd $22,400, 4th $11,000, 5th $6,100, 6th $4,000, 7th $3,500, 8th $3,500, 9th $3,500, 10th $3,500, Equine Welfare Fund $3,750 , Jockey Welfare Fund $2,500. GROUP 3
Set Weights plus Penalties, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Fillies and Mares, Apprentices cannot claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 14 + 6 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 6413x46921 BACIO DEL MIST (NZ) M 7 Lee & Cherie Curtis 73
2 2x381612x4 BE REAL (NZ) M 4 Brad Widdup 77
3 331x413 BRIGIDINE GAL F 3 Joseph Pride 74
4 5107x57932 DECADENT TALE M 7 Matthew Smith 69
5 79x9322610 DJAPANA M 4 Clarry Conners 59
6 3561166x64 FUN SUNDAY M 5 Brad Widdup 67
7 111x60x565 GENZANO M 4 Paul Messara & Leah Gavranich 74
8 18x3743751 HARMONIOUS SENORA M 5 Amber Hendry 86
9 x727331x77 HINGED M 6 Chris Waller 103
10 121x23 IT’S A KNOCKOUT M 4 Ciaron Maher 80
11 7x53812346 JESSANDI M 6 Jason Deamer 60
12 71554x5131 LASPIRIT DEELER M 4 Lee & Cherie Curtis 72
13 176x29L111 LITTLE BAIA M 5 Bjorn Baker 84
14 2Px15x MARAMA (GB) M 4 William Haggas 68
15 325x383x32 MARE OF MT BULLER M 4 Chris Waller 83
16 58x0047x27 MOLLY BLOOM (NZ) M 4 Chris Waller 99
17 1x21780x68 POSITIVITY (NZ) M 4 Andrew Forsman 101
18 5x0x601x60 SOUNDS OF HEAVEN (GB) M 5 Joseph Pride 95
Race 8 - N E MANION CUP [GROUP 3] (2400 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $250,000.1st $140,000, 2nd $46,250, 3rd $22,400, 4th $11,000, 5th $6,100, 6th $4,000, 7th $3,500, 8th $3,500, 9th $3,500, 10th $3,500, Equine Welfare Fund $3,750 , Jockey Welfare Fund $2,500. GROUP 3
Quality, Minimum Weight 54kg, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Apprentices cannot claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 14 + 4 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 42x1x122x1 ALALCANCE (GB) M 5 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott 100
2 x37914x765 ASTERIX (NZ) G 6 Chris Waller 103
3 42x8001x78 ATHABASCAN (FR) G 6 John O'Shea & Tom Charlton 104
4 6413x46921 BACIO DEL MIST (NZ) M 7 Lee & Cherie Curtis 73
5 113x6x0x42 BIRDMAN (IRE) G 4 Chris Waller 88
6 621x00x80x CLEVELAND (IRE) G 7 Kris Lees 101
7 93161x1121 DIABLO BOLT G 4 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald 87
8 315155x069 ETNA ROSSO (IRE) G 5 Chris Waller 95
9 0x07976x00 FRANCESCO GUARDI (IRE) G 7 Chris Waller 99
10 008x583923 FULFILLED (GB) G 6 Kris Lees 75
11 71554x5131 LASPIRIT DEELER M 4 Lee & Cherie Curtis 72
12 23x41x0x00 LASTOTCHKA (FR) M 6 Mick Price & Michael Kent (Jnr) 102
13 x23070x885 MANZOICE G 5 Chris Waller 91
14 10110x9962 MATUSALEM G 4 Chris Waller 93
15 61x02x9340 MORMONA (FR) G 6 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald 86
16 x086x67x70 MR WATERVILLE (IRE) G 6 Chris Waller 86
17 8134x11114 OUR ANCHORAGE (IRE) G 6 Bjorn Baker 99
18 1451336x06 STRATHTAY (NZ) G 5 Chris Waller 89
19 13x80808x8 TRUE MARVEL (FR) G 9 Matthew Smith 92
20 56x0090x06 VALIANT KING (GB) G 5 Chris Waller 95
21 5x8x943x01 WALTHAM (GB) G 5 Matthew Smith 89
22 241x920x93 ZECHARIAH (IRE) G 6 Chris Waller 101
Race 9 - DARBY MUNRO STAKES [LISTED RACE] (1200 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $200,000.1st $109,000, 2nd $36,375, 3rd $17,500, 4th $8,750, 5th $5,375, 6th $4,000, 7th $3,500, 8th $3,500, 9th $3,500, 10th $3,500, Equine Welfare Fund $3,000 , Jockey Welfare Fund $2,000. LISTED
Set Weights plus Penalties, Three-Years-Old, Apprentices cannot claim.
BOBS Silver Bonus Available Up To $38500

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 18 + 4 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 41x142144x ALABAMA STATE C 3 Jack Pilkington 72
2 210x9565x ALTHOFF BOBS Silver Bonus Scheme G 3 Chris Waller 73
3 111x AUTUMN GLOW BOBS Silver Bonus Scheme F 3 Chris Waller 97
4 138x1014 CATCH THE GLORY BOBS Silver Bonus Scheme F 3 Jason Coyle 76
5 1200x CLEAR PROOF BOBS Silver Bonus Scheme G 3 John Thompson 72
6 1217x19x07 DRIFTING BOBS Silver Bonus Scheme F 3 Peter Snowden 84
7 7x1630x31 ENRICHED BOBS Silver Bonus Scheme C 3 Michael Freedman 84
8 x26163x79x FEARLESS BOBS Silver Bonus Scheme C 3 Peter Snowden 83
9 0x11x2 FLYING FOR FUN BOBS Silver Bonus Scheme F 3 Bryce Heys 80
10 1x240x3 GALLANT SON C 3 Peter G Moody & Katherine Coleman 69
11 31x11 GANGSTA GRANNY BOBS Silver Bonus Scheme F 3 Michael, John & Wayne Hawkes 75
12 1x11233x74 GROWING EMPIRE BOBS Silver Bonus Scheme C 3 Ciaron Maher 106
13 21x73 HOT DIGITY BOOM G 3 Mick Price & Michael Kent (Jnr) 74
14 1x345x IKASARA BOBS Silver Bonus Scheme C 3 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott 75
15 216x58x1 IMPERIAL FORCE BOBS Silver Bonus Scheme C 3 Bjorn Baker 73
16 1340x6x IRON HAWK G 3 Gary Portelli 67
17 4x2225x12 LET’SFACETHEMUSIC C 3 Mick Price & Michael Kent (Jnr) 70
18 59x45x11 LISTINS LASS F 3 John Cooper 61
19 51x11323x0 MIDNIGHT DYNAMITE BOBS Silver Bonus Scheme G 3 Bjorn Baker 72
20 221x61x PERSPIRATION BOBS Silver Bonus Scheme C 3 Ciaron Maher 79
21 13224x217x PISCES G 3 James Cummings 84
22 215x384x3 SERGEANT MAJOR (NZ) G 3 Ciaron Maher 72
23 5x11 SHIRVINGTON BOBS Silver Bonus Scheme G 3 Bjorn Baker 65
24 412x STEEL STRIKE BOBS Silver Bonus Scheme C 3 Gai Waterhouse & Adrian Bott 69
25 7x1130x5 YOSHINOBU BOBS Silver Bonus Scheme C 3 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald 81
Race 10 - MIDWAY BENCHMARK 72 HANDICAP (1500 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $120,000.1st $55,000, 2nd $21,750, 3rd $11,250, 4th $6,250, 5th $4,750, 6th $4,000, 7th $3,500, 8th $3,500, 9th $3,500, 10th $3,500, Equine Welfare Fund $1,800 , Jockey Welfare Fund $1,200.
BenchMark 72, Handicap, Minimum Weight 54kg, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Apprentices can claim.
BOBS Silver Bonus Available Up To $19250

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 19 + 5 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 8x226110x6 ARTFUL PERSUASION G 4 Mitchell Beer 66
2 2x1225x42 FRENCH RULER BOBS Silver Bonus Scheme G 3 John Sargent 73
3 9x0133519 FULL METAL JACKET BOBS Silver Bonus Scheme G 3 Gary Portelli 63
4 26x151x675 HELL’S ITCH G 5 John Thompson 62
5 51x635128x HIGHBORN HARRY G 4 David Payne 64
6 5528x65126 HINCHINJIVE M 6 Ron Quinton 68
7 35799x7673 HOWLING VICTORY M 5 Mick Attard 48
8 10313x5281 INFERENCIA M 5 Rebecca Dunn 65
9 42x1823454 IRISH BLISS (NZ) G 4 Nathan Doyle 64
10 6345x15272 IT’S A WONDER M 4 Gerald Ryan & Sterling Alexiou 68
11 8500x68023 JUMEIRAH BEACH G 6 Jason Deamer 61
12 27x32212x1 LUGARNO BOBS Silver Bonus Scheme G 3 John Thompson 66
13 8518344379 MORE MISCHIEF G 5 Amanda Turner 50
14 63439x110 MY PHAR LADY BOBS Silver Bonus Scheme F 3 Richard & Will Freedman 63
15 9x89534427 NOBLE SOLDIER G 7 Robert & Luke Price 70
16 5322018x73 PEACE OFFICER (NZ) G 5 Clarry Conners 78
17 686210x833 PROMITTO G 5 David Atkins 80
18 241221x212 RUSH ATTACK G 4 Nathan Doyle 69
19 8136687221 SATNESS (NZ) G 6 Robert & Luke Price 66
20 x5411010x7 THIS IS THE MOMENT G 5 Mitchell Beer 68
21 011320x460 TOUCH OF NAVY G 5 John Bannister 65
22 9732218x77 TWIN TURBO G 5 Edward O'Rourke 58

© 2025 Racing NSW (and other parties working with it). NSW racing materials, including fields, form and horse racing results, is subject to copyright which is owned by Racing NSW and other parties working with it.