Please note that no further Track Condition Reports outside of the four Racing Victoria submission timeframes and deadlines outlined below are required to be submitted unless there is a change in Track Rating. If there is a change in Track Rating at any stage an additional report will be entered by the Victorian Club Track Managers.
For further information please contact the relevant racing club.

Item Inspection Timeframe Inspection Deadline for Track Rating to be Submitted Non Submission Follow Up
1 Day of nominations close
[after nominations close]
Following Noms Close & Prior to 2:50pm By Racing Victoria
Post 3pm and prior to 4pm
2 Day before acceptances close
[after nominations close]
Prior to 2:50pm By Racing Victoria
Post 3pm and prior to 4pm
3 Day of acceptances close
[before acceptances close]
Prior to 6:50am
[where there has been significant weather conditions overnight resulting in a change in Track Rating since the prior day's report]
4 Day before Race Day
[after acceptances close]
Prior to 2:50pm By Racing Victoria
Post 3pm and prior to 4pm
5 Race Day
[after acceptances close]
Prior to 6:50am By Racing Australia
Post 6:50am


bet365 Park Kilmore: Kilmore Racing Club Friday, 24 January 2025

Meeting Type: Country (TAB MEETING)
Rail Position: Out 3m 800m - 400m, True Remainder
Dual Track Meeting: N
Track Type: Turf
Track Condition: Good 4
Weather: Overcast
Penetrometer: 5.5
Track Information: Inspection 11:33AM 24/1;
Nominations Last Published: Mon 20-Jan-25 12:27PM AEDT
Weights declared by: Mon 20-Jan-25 4:00PM AEDT
Acceptances must be declared before: Wed 22-Jan-25 9:15AM AEDT
Riders must be declared before: Wed 22-Jan-25 12:30PM AEDT
Scratching close: Fri 24-Jan-25 7:30AM AEDT
Total Number of nominations for this meeting (including emergencies) 438
Track Upgraded to (Good 4) @ 11:33 AM
Race 1 - Three-Years-Old Maiden Plate (1100 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $27,000.1st $14,850, 2nd $4,590, 3rd $2,160, 4th $1,215, 5th $810, 6th $675, 7th $675, 8th $675, 9th $675, 10th $675
Prize money contribution totalling 4% will be directed to jockey, equine and participant welfare prior to distribution
Maiden, Set Weights, Three-Years-Old, Apprentices can claim.
This race carries a VOBIS Silver Nominators Bonus of $3,600 and a VOBIS Silver Owners Bonus of $8,400 for qualified horses.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 0 + 4 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 628x AKKU F 3 Ben, Will & JD Hayes
2 45x2x ALAA PLENTY G 3 Peter G Moody & Katherine Coleman
3 0 ALBANIAN BEAUTY G 3 Ernie Francese
4 5x4 ALERO C 3 Ciaron Maher
5 35x APPOINTED (NZ) G 3 Anthony & Sam Freedman
6 0 ARLAUNYA F 3 Logan McGill
7 7 ASSERTIVE SWAY F 3 Rebecca Kelly
8 BRON F 3 Robbie Griffiths
9 32 BRUTAL WORLD F 3 Simon Zahra
10 06x7x3 CARAVANSERAI G 3 James Cummings
11 CLIMB THE LADDER (NZ) G 3 Chris Waller
12 20x2 CRIME OF PASSION F 3 Mick Price & Michael Kent (Jnr)
13 48x6 DO SAY F 3 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin
14 272x56x DOLLAR SHOT F 3 Debra Nardino
15 6x32 DUTY CALLS F 3 Simon Zahra
16 554 ELITE PETE G 3 Sharyn Trolove
17 FLY G 3 Michael Moroney & Glen Thompson
18 FOREVER WITH NED F 3 Patrick & Michelle Payne
19 5x GALATH (NZ) G 3 Tony & Calvin McEvoy
21 355 GORMO’S LUCK G 3 Stephen Brown
22 HABENARIA F 3 Anthony & Sam Freedman
23 046x0x6 HAND CRAFTED F 3 Ciaron Maher
24 HEART OF PLATINUM F 3 Ben, Will & JD Hayes
25 9x9x HIGH FLYIN’ ROSIE F 3 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin
26 63x KADDARI F 3 Robbie Griffiths
27 KINELDA F 3 Christopher Davis
28 KNOCK ME OUT C 3 Peter G Moody & Katherine Coleman
29 LADY ALABAMA F 3 Rhonda Mangan
30 52x LEFT ON READ G 3 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin
31 629x MACHA F 3 John McArdle
32 MADAM EXCELS F 3 Peter G Moody & Katherine Coleman
33 43x2 MISS TOP GUN F 3 Tom Dabernig
34 MOONLIGHT CIRCUS F 3 Peter G Moody & Katherine Coleman
35 6x MY ANGEL SHELL (NZ) G 3 Tom Dabernig
36 MYSTIC REIGN F 3 Grahame Begg
37 2x230x2 NEBUCHADNEZZAR (NZ) G 3 Mitchell Freedman
38 POINT OF ECSTASY F 3 Mitchell Freedman
39 POLITICAL PROMISE G 3 Allan & Jason Williams
40 QUOIN G 3 Stephen Brown
41 6 REISNER F 3 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
42 ROCKET BOOSTERS G 3 Linda Meech
43 90x ROLLING THUNDER G 3 Anne Blackburn
44 RUBY HARMONY F 3 Peter Gelagotis
45 SANTA EXPRESS G 3 Linda Meech
46 235 SECRET ELEGANCE F 3 Peter Gelagotis
47 4 SECRET HELL G 3 Tom Dabernig
48 2x2 SIRENA F 3 Robbie Griffiths
49 SNOWBALL F 3 Andrew Noblet
50 7 STEELOLOGY F 3 Shay Keating
51 98 STEWART G 3 Sharyn Trolove
52 7544x26 STORMY MALICE F 3 David Brideoake & Matt Jenkins
53 463 TAN TAT RUBI F 3 Peter G Moody & Katherine Coleman
54 46x TOMORROW ME F 3 Shay Keating
55 47x35 TUXEDO MISS F 3 Ben, Will & JD Hayes
56 8x754433x3 WHITSON G 3 Mitchell Freedman
57 WOOPS G 3 Mitchell Freedman
Race 2 - 4YO+ Maiden Plate (1100 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $27,000.1st $14,850, 2nd $4,590, 3rd $2,160, 4th $1,215, 5th $810, 6th $675, 7th $675, 8th $675, 9th $675, 10th $675
Prize money contribution totalling 4% will be directed to jockey, equine and participant welfare prior to distribution
Maiden, Set Weights, Four-Years-Old and Upwards, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 0 + 4 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 0x7 ABLETOFLY M 5 Lil Anderson
2 237x486 AMARA VALENCIA M 4 Ricky Maund
3 267x87209x BILL BOULDER G 5 Nathan Newton
4 42440x7 BLAZING BROOK M 4 Nigel Blackiston
5 x9950x4632 CHOP CHOP PHAROAH M 6 Smiley Chan
6 6x640x00x2 COUNT YOUR PENNIES M 4 Monica Croston & Gerrad Gilmour
7 5640x DELTA’S GOLD M 6 Carole Heffernan
8 DESILOS G 4 Logan McGill
9 06x3 DREAM OF RUBY M 5 Tyson Barton
10 68x08x8973 ELEGANT MAN G 4 Rhys Archard
11 487x090x89 EMRYS G 5 John McArthur
12 7x7x3 ENUFF BRICKS G 4 Ken & Kasey Keys
13 4x4 FEEDBACK G 4 Mitchell Freedman
14 33343547x5 FLOWER GALLERY M 5 Troy Kilgower
15 4446x34225 FLUX G 4 Rodney Foster
16 90x65 FOREMAN’S GULLY G 4 Ben, Will & JD Hayes
17 4 GIBRALTAR TYCOON M 4 Robbie Griffiths
18 HEARTLINES M 4 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin
19 24x828 HELOVAWIN G 4 Luke Oliver
20 475x3 HERE COMES WOZZA G 4 Gwenda Johnstone
21 60x HYBRID M 4 Alex Rae
22 88 I’M UNIQUE G 6 Saab Hasan
23 2220x INEZ M 4 Lee & Shannon Hope
24 7x ISN’T THAT IRONIC M 4 Stephen Brown
25 8346353x7 JUST RICH LIKA G 5 Gwenda Johnstone
26 0x85x867 JUSTCANTGETENUFF M 4 Rene Pompe
27 573940x76x KING PROTEA G 4 Tyson Barton
28 7x856x9 LAST PIECE M 4 Steven Noble
29 59 LONGCROSS G 4 Mark Walker
30 44787234x4 MADE THE EFFORT M 5 Enver Jusufovic
31 70x348x454 MEGAFLASH G 4 Ben Brisbourne
32 090 MILLION THANKS M 6 Saab Hasan
33 77x MONTGOMERY BAY G 4 Rebecca Kelly
34 3 MYSTIC RAPTURE M 4 Mark & Levi Kavanagh
35 30540x2 NICABUK G 5 Richard Laming
36 6860046694 ONE KYNECTION G 6 Melissa Cunningham
37 738x7 PLATINUM EXECUTIVE G 4 Mitchell Freedman
38 64x648608 PRESERVATOR G 4 Ken Fythe
39 PROFESSAZOOOM G 5 Christopher Davis
41 0x333x QUEEN CAVES M 4 Jody Thompson
42 x5x6095600 REBEL RAFA G 4 Adam Burns
43 5x66235325 REDEMPTION TIME M 4 Mick Sell
44 555x7 SINGLE MAMMA M 4 Michael & Luke Cerchi
45 05547x7235 SKYLER’S PRINCESS M 8 Mick Sell
46 96x4 SNEAKY PINEAPPLE G 4 Jody Thompson
47 3868 SO BEAUTIFUL STORY M 4 Adam Burns
48 6307589799 SPOKAN G 6 Adam Burns
49 770x95778x SQUABBIE G 5 Troy Kilgower
50 79x TEST BY FIRE (NZ) M 5 Pat Carey & Harris Walker
51 338x THE DEFENDER G 4 Mark & Levi Kavanagh
52 TIMOFEI G 4 Mick Sell
53 0x4 WILL THROW G 5 Heath Chalmers
Race 3 - Maiden Plate (1450 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $27,000.1st $14,850, 2nd $4,590, 3rd $2,160, 4th $1,215, 5th $810, 6th $675, 7th $675, 8th $675, 9th $675, 10th $675
Prize money contribution totalling 4% will be directed to jockey, equine and participant welfare prior to distribution
Maiden, Set Weights, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 0 + 4 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 459842239x AHAB (NZ) G 4 Ciaron Maher
2 84x ALABAMA BLITZ F 3 Michael Moroney & Glen Thompson
3 x00x986443 ANNABELLE SUNSHINE M 4 Sally Metcalf
4 2 BELLE DETELLE F 3 Chris Waller
5 8 BITUNG F 3 Peter G Moody & Katherine Coleman
6 BLANCHE BASS M 4 Ricky Maund
7 4958 BOLD OASIS G 4 Luke Oliver
8 503x6 BON FETE F 3 Jason Warren
9 224x5480 CHICA CON SUERTE M 4 Andrew Noblet
10 9x CHICAGO DIAMOND G 7 Jason Chandler
11 x9950x4632 CHOP CHOP PHAROAH M 6 Smiley Chan
12 COLOUR BLAST G 3 Ben, Will & JD Hayes
13 79x44 DARN HOT MISS F 3 Ben Brisbourne
14 52 DIVINE JUSTICE F 3 Mick Price & Michael Kent (Jnr)
15 9 DIVINE SUPER (NZ) F 3 Jerome Hunter
16 68x08x8973 ELEGANT MAN G 4 Rhys Archard
17 5 FAKESTER G 3 Jamie Edwards
18 0x800 FICTIONAL FILLY M 4 Brett Scott
19 065x GIRLPOWER M 4 Steven Lake
20 4x523 GRINZINGER HALO F 3 Danny O'Brien
21 8 HIGHLAND DELTA G 3 Cindy Alderson
22 6x374555x INSPIRED CHOICE M 4 Amber Hendry
23 0 JANEECE M 5 Ken Fythe
24 KRYSTAL KOSMOS M 4 Richard Cully
25 KUNAWAR (NZ) F 3 Peter G Moody & Katherine Coleman
26 4 LADY PRANCELOT F 3 Tom Dabernig
27 5x LAST CARD LOUIE (NZ) G 3 Denis Pagan
28 96 LORD CHAPEL G 3 Ron Hockley
29 LORD LONNY G 3 Stephen Brown
30 9x6 MATTER MOST M 4 Peter Gelagotis
31 0 MAXIMUS BON G 3 Wendy Kelly
32 0x423 MCADAM G 3 Danny O'Brien
33 254 MISS CLAMOROSA F 3 Ciaron Maher
34 x6733454x3 MISSILE GIRL M 4 Richard Laming
35 58x62 MONTROCK (NZ) G 4 Lindsey Smith
36 6 MOTIVER G 3 Mitchell Freedman
37 9x42 NIC’S CHOICE G 3 John Moloney
38 8x45x ONGATITI (NZ) G 4 Ciaron Maher
39 0 OUR ALMANZOR F 3 Jerome Hunter
40 0547099x80 PRINCE OF THE NILE G 5 John McArthur
41 7x6 PRINCESS ON PALM M 5 Ben, Will & JD Hayes
42 x5x6095600 REBEL RAFA G 4 Adam Burns
43 22 SALTBURN G 3 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin
44 6 SHAULA G 4 Melody Cunningham
45 0600x SHE’S TRACEY M 5 Stephen Lenehan
46 0x SIERRA SUN G 5 Ashleigh Smith
47 6307589799 SPOKAN G 6 Adam Burns
48 77558x44 STAR RULER G 4 Nathan Dunn
49 60768677 STELLA BYSTARLIGHT F 3 Ricardo Meunier
50 62 SWEET AS A KISS F 3 Jerome Hunter
51 4 SWELTERING F 3 Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young
52 89 TORQUAY TOFF G 4 Chris Calthorpe
53 7x642 ULTRA BLUE G 3 Tom Dabernig
54 57x UNWIND (NZ) M 4 Ciaron Maher
55 78x420969 VIRE RIVER F 3 Sharyn Trolove
56 504x69 WAVENDON G 4 Daniel P Kelly
57 WIND BLAST (NZ) G 3 Ben, Will & JD Hayes
58 ZHOU SHU G 3 Ciaron Maher
Race 4 - Maiden Plate (1600 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $27,000.1st $14,850, 2nd $4,590, 3rd $2,160, 4th $1,215, 5th $810, 6th $675, 7th $675, 8th $675, 9th $675, 10th $675
Prize money contribution totalling 4% will be directed to jockey, equine and participant welfare prior to distribution
Maiden, Set Weights, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 0 + 4 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 54090x0030 ACE CITY G 5 Nathan Newton
2 459842239x AHAB (NZ) G 4 Ciaron Maher
3 BAFFLECK G 3 Nikki Burke
4 2 BELLE DETELLE F 3 Chris Waller
5 BLANCHE BASS M 4 Ricky Maund
6 5604 BROOKERS TURBO M 4 Jody Thompson
7 0x7032257 CALIFORNIA BLUES G 3 Peter Snowden
8 5542x3437 CHESAPEAKE BABE (NZ) M 4 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin
9 5x563 COSMIC CHARGER G 3 Ben, Will & JD Hayes
10 79x44 DARN HOT MISS F 3 Ben Brisbourne
11 0 DELTA MOON F 3 Rebecca Kelly
12 4x DEVATA (GER) M 5 Ciaron Maher
13 52 DIVINE JUSTICE F 3 Mick Price & Michael Kent (Jnr)
14 6 EMMCEE G 3 Ben, Will & JD Hayes
15 5 FAKESTER G 3 Jamie Edwards
16 065x GIRLPOWER M 4 Steven Lake
17 50x7 GLASS BAY M 4 Archie Alexander
18 2 GOLD MOON G 4 Brooke Verwey-Mitchell
19 4x523 GRINZINGER HALO F 3 Danny O'Brien
20 8 HIGHLAND DELTA G 3 Cindy Alderson
21 74 ITWASONLYAKISS (IRE) G 4 Patrick & Michelle Payne
22 0 JANEECE M 5 Ken Fythe
23 9x096 JUST HANGIN’ G 3 Tony Noonan
24 78 JUST SWIFT F 3 Mitchell Freedman
25 KUNAWAR (NZ) F 3 Peter G Moody & Katherine Coleman
26 4 LADY PRANCELOT F 3 Tom Dabernig
27 9979x55 LARAPINETA TRAIL M 4 Jody Thompson
28 LEONCHROI (NZ) G 3 Mick Price & Michael Kent (Jnr)
29 55x54 MAHAM G 4 Gerald Egan
30 62906x0748 MALLEE MAID M 5 Anthony Dudley
31 0 MAXIMUS BON G 3 Wendy Kelly
32 0x423 MCADAM G 3 Danny O'Brien
33 6 MOTIVER G 3 Mitchell Freedman
34 68745x2297 MRS PENNY CRACKER M 4 Simon Zahra
35 0 OMINOUS LADY F 3 Monica Croston & Gerrad Gilmour
36 8x45x ONGATITI (NZ) G 4 Ciaron Maher
37 43052390x0 PARIAH ON FIRE M 4 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin
38 46433 PSYCHOTIC G 3 Amy & Ash Yargi
39 84 PUB FEED G 5 Jody Thompson
40 26x73 REAL SHADY (NZ) G 4 Dan O'Sullivan
41 x5x6095600 REBEL RAFA G 4 Adam Burns
42 008x ROUGE ECLAIR M 5 Warren Cochrane
43 8x ROYAL ESCAPE F 3 Rachael Frost
44 22 SALTBURN G 3 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin
45 SAVVY NIGHTS (NZ) G 3 Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young
46 9852409x78 SEAMINGLY M 4 Dan O'Sullivan
47 374x5 SHANWAH (NZ) G 3 Ciaron Maher
48 8445x3 SOUND OF JURA G 4 Anne Yates
49 60768677 STELLA BYSTARLIGHT F 3 Ricardo Meunier
50 75x73345x9 SUNNY TIMES G 5 Reece Goodwin
51 42x9659544 THE KILMORIAN G 4 Jody Thompson
52 7 THENAMESBEALE G 4 Michael Newton
53 49x835 TOMORROWS PROSPECT M 5 Michael Newton
54 80x0x9005 TRUCK STOP G 4 Chris Calthorpe
55 7x642 ULTRA BLUE G 3 Tom Dabernig
56 504x69 WAVENDON G 4 Daniel P Kelly
57 642479x734 WOKOU M 4 Robbie Griffiths
Race 5 - Colts, Geldings and Entires BM58 Handicap (1200 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $27,000.1st $14,850, 2nd $4,590, 3rd $2,160, 4th $1,215, 5th $810, 6th $675, 7th $675, 8th $675, 9th $675, 10th $675
Prize money contribution totalling 4% will be directed to jockey, equine and participant welfare prior to distribution
BenchMark 58, Handicap, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Colts, Geldings and Entires, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 0 + 4 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 x87218x49x AIR DEFENCE G 7 Austy Coffey 64
2 4640x31694 ALBANIAN BAY G 5 Ernie Francese 58
3 x340185x08 BALABUSHKA G 5 Jamie Edwards 54
4 x852648x77 BANGHOLME G 5 Adrian McGregor 56
5 22x6x171 BEEN OUR ANGEL G 4 Tony & Calvin McEvoy 64
6 09x0748466 CABLE TOWN G 6 Cameron Templeton 53
7 8x193x30 CAP TEN G 3 Anthony & Sam Freedman 60
8 8x469430x3 CATALINA BLACK CAT G 6 Reece Goodwin 59
9 197 CHECKTHEMENU G 3 Patrick & Michelle Payne 61
10 3126x0x977 CITY ESCAPE G 5 Paul Koumis 54
11 27440x0824 COBBLESTONE WAY G 5 Amy & Ash Yargi 52
12 5038x56769 COPTHORNE G 9 Kellie Hill 45
13 3942561x70 COSMIC RHAPSODY G 8 Melody Cunningham 62
14 1 CRUSADER KINGS G 4 Clinton McDonald 63
15 14431553x8 DOCINTHE G 5 Mitchell Freedman 64
16 7221 ETOILE FILANTE G 3 Ben, Will & JD Hayes 62
17 05949N4796 GATOR G 5 Pat Carey & Harris Walker 49
18 919 GUNBOAT G 3 Scott Cameron 61
19 06x412 HUMAN SHIELD G 4 Kevin Corstens 44
20 82106x79 INSIGNIA G 4 Robert Linnell 58
21 400x139532 IRRESISTIBLE SIR G 5 Ricky Maund 57
22 2x519286x6 JOON HO G 5 Tony Noonan 57
23 448x142x LEEONARDO G 4 Anthony & Sam Freedman 60
24 470000x974 LIGHTNING RIDER G 12 Ron Hockley 40
25 x21x3x6408 MACEDONIAN MARVEL G 5 Amy & Ash Yargi 58
26 0251653758 MAHJING G 6 Christopher Davis 52
27 107x9x1405 MANCHEGO G 4 Matt Cumani 60
28 710x17309 MARNOO G 4 Brady Cross 62
29 8x16 MASKED MARAUDER G 4 Tom Dabernig 61
30 5000198297 MATTEI G 5 Mitchell Freedman 59
31 846x121x56 MAXIMUM POWER G 4 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin 63
32 6990x8x664 MY BOY NICK G 8 Jan Wicks 53
33 6418x345x NAVAL FORCE G 4 Thomas Sadler 60
34 063940x127 NEYLON’S DREAM G 6 Ebony Tucker 42
35 1x1253868x NUTS ’N’ BOLTS G 4 Ciaron Maher 60
36 3243947x08 O’REG G 10 Allan Fitzgerald 53
37 4258255614 PERSUASIVE STAR G 6 Geoff Brunsdon 35
38 14909x6263 PILL BOX G 8 Jody Thompson 53
39 138x6569x PRIMAL SPIRIT (NZ) G 4 Reece Goodwin 60
40 24x61087x1 REACTIVATE G 6 Gerard Moloney 57
41 263302229x RUSSIAN SUMMER G 5 Mark & Levi Kavanagh 54
42 1 SEEYOU RAIDER G 4 Jody Thompson 63
43 964x410241 SPINHOF G 5 Shay Keating 54
44 435214x33x STAND BY ME NED G 5 Marita Lawson 58
45 x9966x66x5 SUB GAUGE G 5 David & Coral Feek 58
46 6x57213263 SUPERSET G 5 Shawn Mathrick 66
47 6512977x70 THE MARINER (NZ) G 5 Stephen Lenehan 48
48 0x00x4058x THE WANDERER G 6 Samantha Jeffreys 44
49 09x1212400 THE WIZARD KING G 5 Shawn Mathrick 53
50 1x8 THIEM G 3 Anthony & Sam Freedman 61
51 0390x80808 THRILL OFTHE FIGHT G 6 Nathan Newton 39
52 3172308x88 TIMBOLTON G 5 Graham Donaldson 48
53 889x933000 UGLY NICOS G 7 Angela Bence 52
54 11 VERDOUX G 4 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin 67
55 5706647720 WILD IRISH ROVER G 5 Annalise Maragos 57
Race 6 - Fillies and Mares BM58 Handicap (1200 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $27,000.1st $14,850, 2nd $4,590, 3rd $2,160, 4th $1,215, 5th $810, 6th $675, 7th $675, 8th $675, 9th $675, 10th $675
Prize money contribution totalling 4% will be directed to jockey, equine and participant welfare prior to distribution
BenchMark 58, Handicap, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Fillies and Mares, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 0 + 4 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 070000x597 ALBANIAN THUNDER M 5 Kelvin Southey 48
2 237x486 AMARA VALENCIA M 4 Ricky Maund 53
3 42440x7 BLAZING BROOK M 4 Nigel Blackiston 51
4 057x381662 BROOKLYN BABY M 5 Mick Sell 60
5 88x557732x BYE BYE BETTY M 5 Andrew J Payne 56
6 59550x8088 CRAFTY GODDESS M 5 Joseph Waldron 46
7 44732x1647 CROATIAN ART M 4 Michael & Luke Cerchi 57
8 8x6657x332 DALROSHIO M 6 David O'Prey 57
9 17x540x4 DEEP JOY F 3 Ciaron Maher 60
10 433x4x5221 DIMORA QUEEN M 4 Lindsey Smith 58
11 272x56x DOLLAR SHOT F 3 Debra Nardino 57
12 6x8N157x53 DREAMWOMAN M 4 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin 61
13 135x2 ELENA MONTERO M 4 Jody Thompson 63
14 15522x8x51 ELLY DEE M 6 Troy Kilgower 61
15 x11510x975 FIGHTING SANAMI M 5 Carly Thomas 63
16 2x57642431 FLICK ROLL M 4 Tom Dabernig 58
17 0497488067 FONTAINE DEL ROSSO M 7 Adam Burns 38
18 47x18x51 FOXYKOBY M 4 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin 63
19 9x72528794 GHIDI M 5 Mick Sell 47
20 5x19210x0x HELLOFASTORM M 5 Jamie Edwards 63
21 9531 HIONADO F 3 Simon Zahra 62
22 018x1569x6 ILIAD (NZ) M 5 Lisa Jones 57
23 97x6101080 IMPACT A LOT M 5 Troy Kilgower 58
24 769x2414 JEUNY TO THE CITY F 3 Tom Dabernig 58
25 14523x6228 JUDGE KELLIE (NZ) M 5 Patrick & Michelle Payne 62
26 0x85x867 JUSTCANTGETENUFF M 4 Rene Pompe 44
27 5331 LAVENDER GLORY F 3 Jason Warren 62
28 x089910909 LET’S GO LETTY (NZ) M 6 Renee Pola 52
29 324806x133 LUCKY DUCK M 4 John Salanitri 58
30 044x87169x MILINGIMBI M 6 Thomas Sadler 61
31 21 MISS MAGOO M 6 Mathew Smerdon 61
32 106x533 MISS TORONADO F 3 Tom Conlan 60
33 6x1871530x MISS WINSLET M 4 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin 65
34 574215166x MISSILE MEG M 5 Enver Jusufovic 61
35 1x956x MORISA M 4 Michael Kent 60
36 96x6838276 NEVER SORRY M 5 Jamie Gibbons 58
37 34x514 NOUVEAU F 3 Anthony & Sam Freedman 62
38 9649577859 PADSTOW POLLY M 7 Stephen Lenehan 40
39 70x696488x PAMMY JOY M 6 Ben, Will & JD Hayes 54
40 7088884960 PARADISE ISLAND M 6 Steven Noble 49
41 x45278x616 PONTIFICATE M 6 Melody Cunningham 59
42 551x RETAINER F 3 Ciaron Maher 61
43 485x203145 RIVERS REWARD M 7 Noni Shelton 49
44 6574271858 ROWDY SHEBANG M 4 Ashleigh Smith 48
45 343x87713x ROYAL INVADER M 5 Ciaron Maher 64
46 15 SHE’S SLICK F 3 Jerome Hunter 62
47 87x71 SHESOUTOFTHISWORLD F 3 Ben Brisbourne 60
48 x223242759 SPORTS CHOICE M 6 Andrew Homann 51
49 14158839x4 STELLAR MOFEED M 4 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin 63
50 17x6160x79 SUNSET BEAUTY M 5 Troy Kilgower 61
51 0x4252728x SVANEKE M 8 Neil Dyer 58
52 9206401412 TRAK CHILLER M 5 Reece Goodwin 58
53 3755x06390 VANDELLE M 6 Rhys Archard 49
54 0280x28632 VIPERION (NZ) M 7 Charles Cassar 55
55 531x172321 WAR OF WISDOM M 6 Tyson Barton 46
56 x45293D7x4 WHISTLER GIRL M 5 Aaron Peterson 55
57 2541319x37 XAPHAN M 4 Patrick & Michelle Payne 61
58 269660x246 YONGTAI M 5 David Brideoake & Matt Jenkins 55
59 x54567x231 ZADAR SUNSET M 5 Paul Koumis 60
Race 7 - BM58 Handicap (1450 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $27,000.1st $14,850, 2nd $4,590, 3rd $2,160, 4th $1,215, 5th $810, 6th $675, 7th $675, 8th $675, 9th $675, 10th $675
Prize money contribution totalling 4% will be directed to jockey, equine and participant welfare prior to distribution
BenchMark 58, Handicap, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 0 + 4 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 7208349805 AHTOHALLAN M 6 Adam Burns 36
2 5295021445 AOIFE M 5 Brent Stanley 57
3 3217x9987x ARIA ELECTRA M 6 Peter Gelagotis 59
4 435208x749 CHESTNUT THUNDER G 11 Tyson Barton 46
5 042x1488x5 CRYSTANADO G 5 Noni Shelton 57
6 1x3x236 DELUSIONALDICTATOR G 4 Allan & Jason Williams 63
7 60x7908x09 DESIGNER DREAMER G 6 Matthew Brown 54
8 1797258x41 DIVINE TURF M 4 Chris Calthorpe 60
9 14431553x8 DOCINTHE G 5 Mitchell Freedman 64
10 190x7x7575 EAST INDIAMAN G 9 Darren McLeod 63
11 175x FABRICE (NZ) G 4 Ciaron Maher 62
12 365x9729x5 FINE REBEL M 5 John Moloney 57
13 41x65 FLASHBANG G 4 Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young 61
14 05949N4796 GATOR G 5 Pat Carey & Harris Walker 49
15 26x156872x GAWNSKI G 4 Jason Warren 61
16 x70768x784 HIBERNIA QUEEN M 5 Philip Campbell 47
17 4x77855x74 HIGH SECURITY G 4 Jason Warren 57
18 97x6101080 IMPACT A LOT M 5 Troy Kilgower 58
19 993329x12x IRONBAR G 5 Andrew J Payne 57
20 1307237679 JAYZEAL G 6 Christopher Davis 53
21 1 JE CITY G 4 Patrick & Michelle Payne 63
22 1232472163 KAHUNGUNU G 8 Tyson Barton 38
23 5331 LAVENDER GLORY F 3 Jason Warren 62
24 178x846306 MAGNOLIA LODGE G 4 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin 60
25 9275x848x7 MARION STREET (NZ) M 5 Terry Mulder 55
26 21 MISS MAGOO M 6 Mathew Smerdon 61
27 51170x0506 MUTSUHITO G 5 Gwenda Johnstone 58
28 1x0435x NOTHINGELSEMATTERS G 4 Nikki Burke 60
29 310x32 NOTMEANTTOBE G 5 Jody Thompson 61
30 0455526141 OLIVIA’S SCANDAL M 5 Austy Coffey 59
31 32657x6363 PAINT ME RED (NZ) G 8 Brett Scott 55
32 14909x6263 PILL BOX G 8 Jody Thompson 53
33 906x47x968 SABAR (FR) G 6 Andrew Campbell 55
34 8x6503496x SAXON BEAUTY M 4 Mark & Levi Kavanagh 58
35 175x573016 SEACRYPTION M 4 Mitchell Freedman 60
36 x417596x28 SIR DOMIGO G 7 Brady Cross 58
37 159x080434 SNAPPY PIERRO M 5 Danielle Chapman 54
38 964x410241 SPINHOF G 5 Shay Keating 54
39 1747838x86 SPIRIT ANGEL M 5 Brian McGrath 51
40 040x705516 STAR OF MATTNER G 8 Tyson Barton 44
41 3153x00x STARDEALT G 4 Jason Warren 61
42 x823256161 STREET SWAGGER G 6 Troy Kilgower 48
43 5178x703 SUPERCONSTELLATION G 4 Enver Jusufovic 59
44 626057x406 THE BRILL BUILDING G 5 Richard Cully 57
45 0x00x4058x THE WANDERER G 6 Samantha Jeffreys 44
46 3172308x88 TIMBOLTON G 5 Graham Donaldson 48
47 621407x642 TRES BELLE M 5 Patrick & Michelle Payne 60
48 889x933000 UGLY NICOS G 7 Angela Bence 52
49 x10614x708 WALKINASTRAITLINE G 4 Mick Price & Michael Kent (Jnr) 60
50 0x80x25283 WASCALY (NZ) G 7 Smiley Chan 67
51 x45293D7x4 WHISTLER GIRL M 5 Aaron Peterson 55
52 269660x246 YONGTAI M 5 David Brideoake & Matt Jenkins 55
53 233x51 ZENACITY M 4 Nick Ryan 61
Race 8 - BM58 Handicap (1600 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $27,000.1st $14,850, 2nd $4,590, 3rd $2,160, 4th $1,215, 5th $810, 6th $675, 7th $675, 8th $675, 9th $675, 10th $675
Prize money contribution totalling 4% will be directed to jockey, equine and participant welfare prior to distribution
BenchMark 58, Handicap, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 0 + 4 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 0206741855 ADKI M 8 Michael & Luke Cerchi 55
2 7208349805 AHTOHALLAN M 6 Adam Burns 36
3 83580x4761 ALWAYS FIORENTE G 4 John Moloney 58
4 5341 BELLARCHI (NZ) G 3 Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young 61
5 9144708090 BLUE SWIMMER G 6 Adam Burns 49
6 61778x7716 CELNADO G 5 Ben Brisbourne 60
7 435208x749 CHESTNUT THUNDER G 11 Tyson Barton 46
8 190x7x7575 EAST INDIAMAN G 9 Darren McLeod 63
9 x31270x356 ELLE MCFEARSOME (NZ) M 5 Brent Stanley 55
10 7857461477 FIRM AS A ROCK M 6 Graham Donaldson 54
11 26x156872x GAWNSKI G 4 Jason Warren 61
12 908468x574 HORACE (NZ) G 6 Darren McLeod 43
13 34410x9075 HURRICANE KETUT G 5 Matthew Brown 53
14 993329x12x IRONBAR G 5 Andrew J Payne 57
15 1307237679 JAYZEAL G 6 Christopher Davis 53
16 1 JE CITY G 4 Patrick & Michelle Payne 63
17 833x51674x KING OF HEARTS G 7 John Brooks 56
18 088x700497 LEWANDOWSKI G 7 Keith Hall 37
19 8809275763 LUNAR FROST M 5 Rebecca Kelly 52
20 178x846306 MAGNOLIA LODGE G 4 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin 60
21 9275x848x7 MARION STREET (NZ) M 5 Terry Mulder 55
22 84263551x8 MILETUS G 7 Jamie Edwards 62
23 21 MISS MAGOO M 6 Mathew Smerdon 61
24 310x32 NOTMEANTTOBE G 5 Jody Thompson 61
25 7715x70 OFF THE DEEP END M 5 Henry Dwyer 59
26 21717x8 ONLY OLD ONCE M 5 Richard Cully 64
27 x636x4x521 OUR EMMBAR M 4 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin 58
28 3634710759 PAMMUKALE G 5 Michael & Luke Cerchi 54
29 x081908673 RIPPLEBROOK G 10 Sharyn Trolove 54
30 2110x94789 RUN NAAN G 9 Vincent Hall 62
31 510x6 SAVILLA (FR) M 4 Ben, Will & JD Hayes 61
32 175x573016 SEACRYPTION M 4 Mitchell Freedman 60
33 x502214563 SHOELESS G 4 Shawn Mathrick 60
34 x417596x28 SIR DOMIGO G 7 Brady Cross 58
35 155x04x004 SIR LORD G 5 Ricardo Meunier 60
36 7801355325 SOME ECLIPSE G 7 Ron Hockley 36
37 x985571546 SON OF A BOOM G 4 Ben Brisbourne 56
38 1747838x86 SPIRIT ANGEL M 5 Brian McGrath 51
39 3153x00x STARDEALT G 4 Jason Warren 61
40 51253347x4 SUPER SOLAR G 7 Reece Goodwin 61
41 14366x00x6 TAVINO BAY G 6 Tony Noonan 53
42 67004x9002 THE SATISFYER G 4 Renee Pola 52
43 621407x642 TRES BELLE M 5 Patrick & Michelle Payne 60
44 16x87 VERMILLION DRAGON (NZ) G 4 Ciaron Maher 60
45 0x80x25283 WASCALY (NZ) G 7 Smiley Chan 67
46 310x48 WHAT A CROSS G 4 Allan & Jason Williams 60

© Racing Victoria Limited (RVL) (and other parties working with it). VIC racing materials, including fields, form and horse racing results, is subject to copyright which is owned by RVL and other parties working with it.