Please note that no further Track Condition Reports outside of the four Racing Victoria submission timeframes and deadlines outlined below are required to be submitted unless there is a change in Track Rating. If there is a change in Track Rating at any stage an additional report will be entered by the Victorian Club Track Managers.
For further information please contact the relevant racing club.

Item Inspection Timeframe Inspection Deadline for Track Rating to be Submitted Non Submission Follow Up
1 Day of nominations close
[after nominations close]
Following Noms Close & Prior to 2:50pm By Racing Victoria
Post 3pm and prior to 4pm
2 Day before acceptances close
[after nominations close]
Prior to 2:50pm By Racing Victoria
Post 3pm and prior to 4pm
3 Day of acceptances close
[before acceptances close]
Prior to 6:50am
[where there has been significant weather conditions overnight resulting in a change in Track Rating since the prior day's report]
4 Day before Race Day
[after acceptances close]
Prior to 2:50pm By Racing Victoria
Post 3pm and prior to 4pm
5 Race Day
[after acceptances close]
Prior to 6:50am By Racing Australia
Post 6:50am


bet365 Terang: Terang & District Racing Club Wednesday, 01 January 2025

Meeting Type: Country (TAB MEETING)
Rail Position: True Entire Circuit
Dual Track Meeting: N
Track Type: Turf
Track Condition: Good 4
Weather: Fine
Penetrometer: 5.16
Track Information: Inspection 6:30AM 1/1; Happy new year
Nominations Last Published: Fri 27-Dec-24 12:15PM AEDT
Weights declared by: Fri 27-Dec-24 4:00PM AEDT
Acceptances must be declared before: Mon 30-Dec-24 9:45AM AEDT
Riders must be declared before: Mon 30-Dec-24 12:30PM AEDT
Scratching close: Wed 01-Jan-25 7:30AM AEDT
Total Number of nominations for this meeting (including emergencies) 333
Track Upgraded to (Good 3) @ 3:52 PM after Race 4
Race 1 - Maiden Plate (1000 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $20,000.1st $11,000, 2nd $3,400, 3rd $1,600, 4th $900, 5th $600, 6th $500, 7th $500, 8th $500, 9th $500, 10th $500
Prize money contribution totalling 4% will be directed to jockey, equine and participant welfare prior to distribution
Maiden, Set Weights, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 14 + 4 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 8222640x ALOTOFSOJU F 3 Toby Lake
2 658x700491 ANNOY’EN ONE G 7 Brooke Verwey-Mitchell
3 56x3 BANGALOW ROAD M 4 Thomas Sadler
4 6969756500 BLOOMIN’ CRAFTY G 8 Jamie Barry
5 8x CHETAYA M 4 Rod Symons
6 0x CON SAID SHE QUICK (NZ) M 4 William Morrissey
7 525x CREPESCULE M 4 Tom Dabernig
8 0 DIAMOND REWARD M 4 Bill Cerchi
9 48x DO SAY F 3 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin
10 7x4009800x EASTON YOU BEAUTY G 10 John Markovic
11 8x FELASUVI F 3 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin
12 037x906 FIGURANTE M 5 Kevin McCartin
13 422x576424 FLICK ROLL M 4 Tom Dabernig
14 0x FORTYFOUR MAGNUM F 3 Lindsey Smith
15 FRENCH NAVY G 3 Symon Wilde
16 548x354679 GRACEFUL MIST M 5 Nicole Dickson
17 HEAVENLY WAY F 3 Mitchell Freedman
18 07644227x6 I’M A DELIGHT M 6 Jamie Barry
19 8324x537x6 INVINCIBLE BEAU G 3 Henry Dwyer
20 035x3 INVINCIBOO G 3 Symon Wilde
21 98x JINAISALLCLASS F 3 Chris Calthorpe
22 674 KATHY’S ROSE F 3 Toby Lake
23 LADY SHARJAH F 3 Symon Wilde
24 6474080206 LUDO (NZ) G 5 Dean Saxon
25 43x MISS TOP GUN F 3 Tom Dabernig
26 64x574x MY SYMBOL G 4 Kelvin Bourke
27 NEW KINGDOM G 3 Symon Wilde
28 PENTONVILLE ROAD F 3 Jennifer Smith
29 PERMANENCE G 4 Robbie Griffiths
30 7x774x96 POEMS M 4 Bill Cerchi
31 x97x5x6095 REBEL RAFA G 4 Adam Burns
32 3x905x86 RED EXTREME F 3 John McArdle
33 5x2 RINGLET F 3 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin
34 8 RUBY AVENUE G 3 Simone Ferchie
35 2x35x3376x SAKOWIN M 4 Michael Shepherdson
36 SHARE THE RIDE F 3 Jennifer Smith
37 SHAULA G 4 Melody Cunningham
38 8x22 SHE’SADARE M 5 Adam Chambers
39 7x58x433x4 SHIMSHALAR M 4 Sharni Julian
40 08x SIMPLY SASSY F 3 Matthew Williams
41 7300 SISTER ROYAL F 3 Melody Cunningham
42 38 SO BEAUTIFUL STORY M 4 Adam Burns
43 77x STELLAR MADAME F 3 Chris Calthorpe
44 756x6 SUENAMI ROSE M 4 Symon Wilde
45 SWEATER GIRL F 3 Melody Cunningham
46 SWEET CITY DANCER F 3 Mitchell Freedman
47 6 TALLAPOOSA F 3 Peter Chow
48 6 TIZSA NICE DROP F 3 Luke Williams
49 9 TRIPLE MATCH M 4 Aaron Peterson
50 5x TROUVE G 3 Richard Cully
51 8x43737x TWO FAULTS G 4 Mitchell Freedman
52 UNION WARRIOR C 3 Simone Ferchie
53 8 UPTIME M 4 Clint Marshall
54 67x VEIN ZENA M 4 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin
55 0 YESNOWAIT F 3 Peter Chow
56 ZIGGY PLAYS GUITAR G 3 Richard Cully
57 6 ZOUANDME G 3 Mick Price & Michael Kent (Jnr)
Race 2 - Maiden Plate (1200 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $20,000.1st $11,000, 2nd $3,400, 3rd $1,600, 4th $900, 5th $600, 6th $500, 7th $500, 8th $500, 9th $500, 10th $500
Prize money contribution totalling 4% will be directed to jockey, equine and participant welfare prior to distribution
Maiden, Set Weights, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 14 + 4 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 22x7324x2 ALL THE WAY BABY M 4 Matthew Williams
2 6x0x2444 AUGUST BONUS G 3 Paul Preusker
3 56x3 BANGALOW ROAD M 4 Thomas Sadler
4 BAYCAT F 3 Tony & Calvin McEvoy
5 6969756500 BLOOMIN’ CRAFTY G 8 Jamie Barry
6 2 BROADBEACH MISS M 4 Dominic Sutton
7 2 BRUTALRULE G 3 Matt Cumani
8 0x CIMERION COVE G 7 Paul Koumis
9 60999x0868 COLDENKIM M 5 John Brooks
10 0x CON SAID SHE QUICK (NZ) M 4 William Morrissey
11 525x CREPESCULE M 4 Tom Dabernig
12 DAME I AM F 3 Shay Keating
13 DELA BELLA M 4 Tetyana Furdetska
14 2x433x4x52 DIMORA QUEEN M 4 Lindsey Smith
15 DISRUPTION F 3 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin
16 4 DOUBTFREE G 3 Andrew Bobbin
17 0950 EGLISES M 4 Shayne Fisher
18 FAKESTER G 3 Jamie Edwards
19 037x906 FIGURANTE M 5 Kevin McCartin
20 422x576424 FLICK ROLL M 4 Tom Dabernig
21 FRENCH NAVY G 3 Symon Wilde
22 87708x FROSTY AS M 5 Andrew Campbell
23 548x354679 GRACEFUL MIST M 5 Nicole Dickson
24 HEAVENLY WAY F 3 Mitchell Freedman
25 0x HRVATSKA M 4 Aaron Laing
26 07644227x6 I’M A DELIGHT M 6 Jamie Barry
27 035x3 INVINCIBOO G 3 Symon Wilde
28 98x JINAISALLCLASS F 3 Chris Calthorpe
29 0x85x86 JUSTCANTGETENUFF M 4 Rene Pompe
30 674 KATHY’S ROSE F 3 Toby Lake
31 7x2 KILLING EVE F 3 Symon Wilde
32 LADY SHARJAH F 3 Symon Wilde
33 092244 LITTLE BUT BIG M 4 Joanne Mugavin
34 6474080206 LUDO (NZ) G 5 Dean Saxon
35 70x MADAM CAVENDISH M 5 Peter Young
36 24x MENZAH ONE G 3 Tony & Calvin McEvoy
37 2 MISS MAGOO M 6 Mathew Smerdon
38 43x MISS TOP GUN F 3 Tom Dabernig
39 MOTIVER G 3 Mitchell Freedman
40 9 MOVE THE TORANA F 3 Lindsey Smith
41 64x574x MY SYMBOL G 4 Kelvin Bourke
42 NEW KINGDOM G 3 Symon Wilde
43 522 NIZHONI M 4 David Drever
44 4x9950x463 NO DIXIE M 6 Smiley Chan
45 43052390x0 PARIAH ON FIRE M 4 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin
46 PENTONVILLE ROAD F 3 Jennifer Smith
47 PERMANENCE G 4 Robbie Griffiths
48 85 PINKERTON F 3 Tom Dabernig
49 7x774x96 POEMS M 4 Bill Cerchi
50 x97x5x6095 REBEL RAFA G 4 Adam Burns
51 5x2 RINGLET F 3 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin
52 3x9x8 ROAD TO RECOVERY M 4 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin
53 SAINT GALENTINE M 4 Aaron Purcell
54 SALTBURN G 3 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin
55 SHARE THE RIDE F 3 Jennifer Smith
56 SHAULA G 4 Melody Cunningham
57 8x22 SHE’SADARE M 5 Adam Chambers
58 030x03 SIGABA G 4 Carly Thomas
59 38 SO BEAUTIFUL STORY M 4 Adam Burns
60 77x STELLAR MADAME F 3 Chris Calthorpe
61 756x6 SUENAMI ROSE M 4 Symon Wilde
62 SWEATER GIRL F 3 Melody Cunningham
63 SWEET CITY DANCER F 3 Mitchell Freedman
64 SWING YOUR MAGIC (NZ) G 3 Dominic Sutton
65 6 TALLAPOOSA F 3 Peter Chow
66 THE CLIMB F 3 Shay Keating
67 6 TIZSA NICE DROP F 3 Luke Williams
68 8 TORQUAY TOFF G 4 Chris Calthorpe
69 5x TROUVE G 3 Richard Cully
70 8x43737x TWO FAULTS G 4 Mitchell Freedman
71 7x6 ULTRA BLUE G 3 Tom Dabernig
72 8 UPTIME M 4 Clint Marshall
73 67x VEIN ZENA M 4 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin
74 WHEREWITHAL F 3 Tony & Calvin McEvoy
75 WILD EDITION M 4 Henry Dwyer
76 36x3 WINDARA WOLF G 6 Maddie Raymond
77 87x7 YANKEE STREET RAIN G 5 Daniel Bowman
78 0 YESNOWAIT F 3 Peter Chow
79 ZIGGY PLAYS GUITAR G 3 Richard Cully
Race 3 - BM52 Handicap (1400 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $20,000.1st $11,000, 2nd $3,400, 3rd $1,600, 4th $900, 5th $600, 6th $500, 7th $500, 8th $500, 9th $500, 10th $500
Prize money contribution totalling 4% will be directed to jockey, equine and participant welfare prior to distribution
BenchMark 52, Handicap, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 14 + 4 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 712x32056x A DIME APPROACH G 5 Mitchell Freedman 54
2 7087208349 AHTOHALLAN M 6 Adam Burns 38
3 010x188 AMARETTO SOUR M 4 Patrick Kearney 64
4 944335x610 BAILE FERVOR G 4 Patrick & Michelle Payne 58
5 x340185x08 BALABUSHKA G 5 Jamie Edwards 54
6 62x0934433 BULL DUST G 8 Quinton Scott 52
7 5x03947432 CAFE MOCHA M 5 William Morrissey 52
8 21158x5393 CENT TO WAR G 7 Yvonne Harvey 41
9 x3126x0x97 CITY ESCAPE G 5 Paul Koumis 55
10 0x494x9002 COAST PRINCESS M 4 Debra Nardino 52
11 5194168x69 DIAMOND WAR G 5 Bill Cerchi 59
12 9205x90370 DISSONANCE G 7 Rick Pinsent 45
13 x1797258x4 DIVINE TURF M 4 Chris Calthorpe 56
14 x456130x06 DIZZY BARMAID M 5 Dane Smith 55
15 x4890789x5 ELOPED M 7 Jack Laing 55
16 5707700x80 ENTERPRISE JEWEL M 6 Dean Saxon 52
17 3x50900x79 FASHION FIGHTER G 6 Peter Jaques 49
18 6890497488 FONTAINE DEL ROSSO M 7 Adam Burns 38
19 8209x89636 GALAXY TURF G 8 John Rowe 47
20 7 GIRLS NIGHT F 3 Daniel P Kelly 59
21 81050x87 GLORIOUS MACHINE M 4 Rachael Gane 55
22 6702139x00 GREY GHOST G 5 Shawn Mathrick 54
23 x421009785 HERWORTH M 4 Aaron Purcell 51
24 015767340x HONOUR THE SKILLS G 6 Luke Williams 52
25 42x16749x9 ICEBERRY M 5 Jesse Carmichael 56
26 66123947x7 IMMORALITY G 10 John Markovic 42
27 IMMORTAL DIVA F 3 Tetyana Furdetska
28 1006240657 IN THE SUN M 8 Jamie Barry 44
29 04623816x6 JENADAR G 4 Simon Ryan 56
30 4242110x63 LASTSTRIKEYOUROUT M 7 Nicole Dickson 41
31 3795522354 LOCO FOR COCO M 6 Kelvin Southey 50
32 89510x6879 MERCHANT MISS M 5 Darren Kolpin 51
33 08459x7005 MEXICAN MOON M 7 Peter Sullivan 51
34 74x5906243 MIDIVANI M 6 Brooke Verwey-Mitchell 47
35 6x9845199x MY HEART M 6 Annalise Maragos 56
36 4x9950x463 NO DIXIE M 6 Smiley Chan 52
37 645x931992 OFCOURSE I WILL G 6 Jamie Opperman 52
38 7x636x4x52 OUR EMMBAR M 4 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin 56
39 95512332x0 RIPPA BUDDY G 5 Daryl Cannon 56
40 x880989769 SAINT OF KATOWICE (IRE) G 8 Denis Daffy & Harriet Place 47
41 6x175x5730 SEACRYPTION M 4 Mitchell Freedman 56
42 6x7785224x SIX DEGREES G 7 Pat Cannon 47
43 9964x41024 SPINHOF G 5 Shay Keating 51
44 3079545026 ST PATS DAY G 6 Bob Challis 48
45 756x6 SUENAMI ROSE M 4 Symon Wilde 52
46 1x845398x5 SUGAR AND SWEET G 7 Rachel Samsonenko 58
47 0306221554 SURELY SPECIAL G 7 Melody Cunningham 58
48 450x84179 TAURI M 4 Quinton Scott 58
49 780x456829 THE UNTACKLABULL G 6 Chris Calthorpe 47
50 7858942312 WARLIST G 8 Kelvin Bourke 52
51 x45293D7x4 WHISTLER GIRL M 5 Aaron Peterson 55
52 0x57066477 WILD IRISH ROVER G 5 Annalise Maragos 58
53 252x65x496 ZEPHYR WINGS G 5 Naomi Bourke 47
Race 4 - BM58 Handicap (1600 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $20,000.1st $11,000, 2nd $3,400, 3rd $1,600, 4th $900, 5th $600, 6th $500, 7th $500, 8th $500, 9th $500, 10th $500
Prize money contribution totalling 4% will be directed to jockey, equine and participant welfare prior to distribution
BenchMark 58, Handicap, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 14 + 4 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 712x32056x A DIME APPROACH G 5 Mitchell Freedman 54
2 7087208349 AHTOHALLAN M 6 Adam Burns 38
3 010x188 AMARETTO SOUR M 4 Patrick Kearney 64
4 6170x AMIZETTA M 4 Symon Wilde 59
5 1291447080 BLUE SWIMMER G 6 Adam Burns 51
6 62x0934433 BULL DUST G 8 Quinton Scott 52
7 21158x5393 CENT TO WAR G 7 Yvonne Harvey 41
8 237386x967 COASTAL TOWN (NZ) G 6 Symon Wilde 60
9 7422336914 CRAFTY BOSS G 5 Geoff Withers 57
10 73135x2254 CRANC G 7 Pat McKenna 64
11 212335x826 DALE’S ROCKET G 8 Vanessa Hutchinson 63
12 590310x000 DANGER MAN G 7 Peter Sullivan 51
13 5194168x69 DIAMOND WAR G 5 Bill Cerchi 59
14 8x57616100 FIORENSACT G 8 Alan Hanrahan 58
15 86208x00x2 FLOWER MOON M 6 Toby Lake 62
16 1x208x2 GO ATTI GO (NZ) G 4 Patrick & Michelle Payne 59
17 5x18 GOBLINS G 3 Melody Cunningham 61
18 x6100x7745 HAY JOE G 6 Pat McKenna 63
19 55537x088x HIGHNESS (FR) G 6 Rachael Cunningham 56
20 27997x3341 HRUNGNIR G 6 Joanne Mugavin 58
21 655156 IT’S LIT (NZ) G 4 Lindsey Smith 58
22 5851416820 JAZ TYCOON G 5 Melody Cunningham 63
23 04623816x6 JENADAR G 4 Simon Ryan 56
24 36847125x3 KIMONO M 4 Dominic Sutton 58
25 1833x51674 KING OF HEARTS G 7 John Brooks 56
26 2x153523 LATE ARRIVAL G 4 Symon Wilde 60
27 0080548x01 LICHESTER (NZ) M 5 Peter Lafferty 56
28 9311246x77 LUV THE BOOL G 5 Symon Wilde 62
29 6326x35137 MACY MOON G 4 Tom Dabernig 66
30 7178x84630 MAGNOLIA LODGE G 4 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin 60
31 89510x6879 MERCHANT MISS M 5 Darren Kolpin 51
32 94004x4218 NORWOODS (NZ) G 4 Rachael Cunningham 61
33 645x931992 OFCOURSE I WILL G 6 Jamie Opperman 52
34 7715x70 OFF THE DEEP END M 5 Henry Dwyer 59
35 21717x ONLY OLD ONCE M 5 Richard Cully 66
36 6078x93107 OVABENT G 4 Dane Smith 51
37 1846x55421 OVERFLOW MISS M 4 Symon Wilde 62
38 57222x3651 PIGLET M 4 Andrew Bobbin 57
39 4238383308 PROPRIETARY G 5 Melody Cunningham 60
40 1x9x00 RED ROWIE G 4 Mitchell Freedman 60
41 x906x47x96 SABAR (FR) G 6 Andrew Campbell 57
42 72354x845x SEVILLANA M 6 Symon Wilde 60
43 148x947x SMOKIN’ GIANT G 4 Patrick & Michelle Payne 58
44 x60x630758 SPOKAN G 6 Adam Burns 28
45 x224125546 STATE OF MAINE M 6 Charlotte Parker 57
46 1x845398x5 SUGAR AND SWEET G 7 Rachel Samsonenko 58
47 0306221554 SURELY SPECIAL G 7 Melody Cunningham 58
48 450x84179 TAURI M 4 Quinton Scott 58
49 2626057x40 THE BRILL BUILDING G 5 Richard Cully 58
50 1500x74526 THE YACHTSMAN G 7 Naomi Bourke 55
51 x375126683 THUNDERANLIGHTNING G 7 Ken Elford 57
52 7858942312 WARLIST G 8 Kelvin Bourke 52
53 8474x65220 WEST CLIFF G 8 Jamie Opperman 59
54 5411344542 WICHITALL G 5 Symon Wilde 59
55 7x261x86 WRITE YOUR OWN (NZ) G 4 Lindsey Smith 60
56 x236333124 WYUNA STAR M 5 Daryl Cannon 58
57 107x65674 ZOUGHANDI G 5 Matthew Williams 56
Race 5 - BM58 Handicap (2150 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $20,000.1st $11,000, 2nd $3,400, 3rd $1,600, 4th $900, 5th $600, 6th $500, 7th $500, 8th $500, 9th $500, 10th $500
Prize money contribution totalling 4% will be directed to jockey, equine and participant welfare prior to distribution
BenchMark 58, Handicap, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 12 + 4 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 525x160x BIT OF OZ (GB) G 5 Robbie Griffiths 60
2 1291447080 BLUE SWIMMER G 6 Adam Burns 51
3 622x81 CALLAWADDA G 4 Brady Cross 61
4 7422336914 CRAFTY BOSS G 5 Geoff Withers 57
5 5644625173 DEMPSEY GIRL (NZ) M 5 John Brooks 57
6 5x00983654 DENTE’S INFERNO G 6 Edmund Bourke 49
7 x30076x674 DUHLATA G 6 Kelly Thornton-Dufty 58
8 15x2894232 EARLY WARNING M 5 Paul Preusker 55
9 x788425335 ENRICO PALLAZZO G 9 Sharni Julian 47
10 56210619 FLYING CELICA M 4 Henry Dwyer 62
11 8422834x51 FOUR OUTLAWS G 8 Michael O'Leary 62
12 4951970x06 FROM THE BASEMENT G 4 Melody Cunningham 52
13 708x907698 GYMKERRIE G 6 Jacqui Sims 45
14 5x23396421 HIS ZEDNESS (NZ) G 6 Paul Preusker 60
15 47x9L812 INHERENTLY G 4 Pat McKenna 60
16 66x8x86556 LORD GOLDBERG G 8 Andrew Bobbin 55
17 46185143x5 LOYAL CONSUL G 7 Jane Baker 61
18 0053720035 LUCANIA G 5 Stewart Campbell 49
19 5x228x3415 LYGON STREET LUIGI (GER) G 5 Denis Pagan 63
20 7178x84630 MAGNOLIA LODGE G 4 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin 60
21 75x2160x21 MAKEWHOLE G 4 Peter Lafferty 62
22 26x7244368 MOORAK MISS M 6 Robert Schultz 48
23 66624x7507 NORTH ROCKS G 7 Leighton Colgrave 46
24 30x2061145 OUTCASTER M 5 Rachael Cunningham 61
25 1846x55421 OVERFLOW MISS M 4 Symon Wilde 62
26 0x0x682209 PEAKY RIDGE M 4 Melody Cunningham 58
27 8139x0x807 READY BY DESIGN G 8 Sharni Julian 62
28 97x86 RELIABLE DIAMOND (NZ) M 4 Peter Chow
29 x013367292 SAMURAI STAR G 5 Mitchell Freedman 62
30 453221x0 SHOGUN EXPRESS (NZ) G 4 Patrick & Michelle Payne 61
31 778x804003 SPANISH SNITZEL G 7 Mark Greig 52
32 x60x630758 SPOKAN G 6 Adam Burns 28
33 x31005x633 STAR TESTYMONY G 4 Symon Wilde 58
34 427510x586 STARDOM AWAAYTS G 5 Matthew Williams 61
35 380x688408 STATELY STAR G 8 Carly Cook 45
36 0916192x94 SUNSET MISSILE M 5 Rachael Cunningham 62
37 231x004504 THE STORYTELLER (NZ) G 4 Steve Richards 58
38 632541x941 THE TRUE BELIEVER (NZ) G 7 Aaron Purcell 63
39 1500x74526 THE YACHTSMAN G 7 Naomi Bourke 55
40 0645744778 VALLEY OF DREAMS M 8 Melody Cunningham 62
41 x4312935x6 WHISKEY TANGO (NZ) G 7 Patrick & Michelle Payne 57
Race 6 - Peter Blank Sprint (1125 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $30,000.1st $16,500, 2nd $5,400, 3rd $2,700, 4th $1,500, 5th $900, 6th $600, 7th $600, 8th $600, 9th $600, 10th $600
Prize money contribution totalling 4% will be directed to jockey, equine and participant welfare prior to distribution
Handicap, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 12 + 4 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 833334700x ABADDON G 6 Linda Meech 62
2 28468287x1 ASHFORD STREET G 7 Tom Dabernig 97
3 x11416x218 BOLD PRINT G 4 Rachael Cunningham 75
4 x84248x021 BOONIE (IRE) G 6 Tom Dabernig 74
5 0162356188 BRAZEN BRANDO G 8 Dan O'Sullivan 59
6 72x13687x2 CADBOLL G 6 Melody Cunningham 71
7 11x111 CLEO CAT M 4 Tom Dabernig 82
8 6106720111 COME ALONG JEFFREY G 7 Jamie Edwards 73
9 33942561x7 COSMIC RHAPSODY G 8 Melody Cunningham 64
10 430x765068 DARK HARMONY G 5 Aaron Purcell 64
11 214431553x DOCINTHE G 5 Mitchell Freedman 65
12 36x8N157x5 DREAMWOMAN M 4 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin 61
13 65x21211 FICKLE M 4 Tom Dabernig 73
14 24212241x6 FINAL ATOM G 7 Charlotte Parker 62
15 84141626x7 FLY ON BYE G 6 Helen Burns 68
16 47x18x5 FOXYKOBY M 4 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin 59
17 3579x51224 FRANCINE M 7 Aaron Purcell 64
18 8943234116 FROSE M 5 Jamie Barry 58
19 817x1x4545 HEAD’EM G 6 Lindsey Smith 65
20 8x515106x0 ICE SYMPHONY G 5 Robert Schultz 67
21 3216x9x701 IDEEL GIRL M 6 Brady Cross 66
22 372x77x21 I’M KENOUGH G 3 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin 61
23 1006240657 IN THE SUN M 8 Jamie Barry 44
24 2131 JENNYANYDOTS M 4 Mitchell Freedman 67
25 8x3155 KRISTIQUE DANCER G 5 John Rowe 57
26 33x67x1 LIMB RUNNER M 4 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin 60
27 18993358x6 LUCKY COMPASS G 5 Kelvin Bourke 55
28 1x112x41 MAJOR SHARE G 4 Adam Chambers 76
29 710x1730 MARNOO G 4 Brady Cross 63
30 846x121x5 MAXIMUM POWER G 4 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin 64
31 x26415341x MERE MORSEL (NZ) G 6 Symon Wilde 69
32 456x065719 MISS TALLCHIEF M 4 Tom Dabernig 60
33 x9005x0x60 OCEAN BEYOND (NZ) G 7 Simon Ryan 74
34 05x1162x57 ORLABENT G 5 Melody Cunningham 74
35 x740891977 PORT LOUIS G 6 Denis Daffy & Harriet Place 62
36 14x815686x PRECIOUS CHARM M 5 Symon Wilde 73
37 31132x0138 QUIK RHAPID G 5 Jamie Opperman 62
38 12844x5115 ROMANTIC CHOICE M 4 Tom Dabernig 80
39 22x51910x7 SIGN FROM ABOVE G 5 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin 64
40 340x6x5554 SPIN THE REWARD G 7 Dane Smith 63
41 82x6224x31 STAR DIESEL G 4 Toby Lake 66
42 x14158839x STELLAR MOFEED M 4 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin 64
43 4260x48556 SUNBURNT M 7 Bill Cerchi 57
44 5x35237x14 TEQUILA STORM M 7 Adam Chambers 65
45 1 VERDOUX G 4 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin 63
46 16x613357x ZOUPURRING G 5 Leon & Troy Corstens & Will Larkin 67

© Racing Victoria Limited (RVL) (and other parties working with it). VIC racing materials, including fields, form and horse racing results, is subject to copyright which is owned by RVL and other parties working with it.