Aquis Beaudesert: Gold Coast TC@Beaudesert Saturday, 28 December 2024

Meeting Type: Country (TAB MEETING)
Apprentice Meeting Type: Country
Rail Position: True
Dual Track Meeting: N
Track Type: Turf
Track Condition: Good 3
Weather: Fine
Penetrometer: 4.5
Track Information:
Nominations Last Published: Tue 24-Dec-24 11:07AM AEDT
Weights declared by: Tue 24-Dec-24 5:00PM AEDT
Acceptances must be declared before: Thu 26-Dec-24 10:00AM AEDT
Riders must be declared before: Thu 26-Dec-24 1:00PM AEDT
Scratching close: Sat 28-Dec-24 8:30AM AEDT
Total Number of nominations for this meeting (including emergencies) 178
Race 1 - Class 2 Plate (1200 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $28,000.1st $15,600, 2nd $4,800, 3rd $2,650, 4th $1,450, 5th $1,000, 6th $500, 7th $500, 8th $500, 9th $500, 10th $500
A deduction for Animal Care will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% for prizemoney pools less than $250,000.00 and 5% for pools $250,000.00 and higher.
A deduction for Insurance will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% on prizemoney pools for TAB races.
Class 2, Set Weights, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 12 + 5 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Ballot Hcp Rating
1 1x13 NO NAME FRANK G 5 Lindsay Gough 1 66
2 4x11x43 SUJEED G 3 Adam Campton 2= 65
3 22x1 THEIR FINEST HOUR G 3 Daiki Chujo 2= 58
4 39x211 BOARD MEMBER M 4 Matthew Hoysted 4 64
5 231164x852 OBEROI PRINCESS M 4 Chris & Corey Munce 5 63
6 714x794x3x VOS SAVANT M 4 Indiana Turner 6 60
7 16x37502x6 GRAND CRUSADER G 6 Jay Bellamy 7 61
8 134x672715 PIA MIA M 4 Corey & Kylie Geran 8 62
9 x66x0x3683 BADDA BOOM BABY M 5 Renita Beaton 9 61
10 113x222224 HIDDEN MELODY M 4 Adam Campton 10 61
11 4x61428977 WHAT A WEEKEND G 4 James Hepworth 11 58
12 65x2570x56 SMART ACTION G 5 Michael Morrison 12 57
13 x6731180x7 READY TO BOOM M 5 Robert Heathcote 13 61
14 8x612272x3 ALPINE LADY M 5 Paul Shailer 14 57
15 97x2666x17 NOBLE INTENT G 4 Gillian Heinrich 15 57
16 925x03370x FENTON G 6 Indiana Turner 16 61
17 3442670x56 OUTWITTED G 4 Kurt Goldman 17 56
18 4335x239x2 SEA OF QI G 8 Tracy Timbery 18 51
19 7x8764359x KASEAR M 7 Neil Hocking 19 52
20 75660x8506 ASGOODASYOUGETT G 4 Bill Brown 20 46
21 x067807730 ICY ISEA M 6 James Hepworth 21 50
22 44334459x1 ASTERN VILLA G 6 John Johnston 22 54
23 9x705x610x BENEDICT ARNOLD G 5 Jeff Dunn 23 55
24 5169785047 ZEPHYRZ ZOOM F 3 Brian Gentle 24 50
25 06519 POLITICAL POWER G 3 Ben Robinson 25 51
Race 2 - BENCHMARK 65 Handicap - Base Rating 53 (1100 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $28,000.1st $15,600, 2nd $4,800, 3rd $2,650, 4th $1,450, 5th $1,000, 6th $500, 7th $500, 8th $500, 9th $500, 10th $500
A deduction for Animal Care will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% for prizemoney pools less than $250,000.00 and 5% for pools $250,000.00 and higher.
A deduction for Insurance will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% on prizemoney pools for TAB races.
BenchMark 65, Handicap, Minimum Weight 54kg, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 12 + 5 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 1963x6860x AIR MARSHAL G 8 Renita Beaton 69
2 038x22188x ATOMIC SELFIE M 7 Ben Ahrens 65
3 3x172x9989 BARONESSA M 7 Marcus Wilson 73
4 5127x1577x BEIRUT MISS M 6 Harry Schwenke 66
5 0310x40 BOOM IN THE DARK G 4 Tony Gollan 62
6 120x98 BORRELLI G 4 Kelly Schweida 61
7 x458112x33 DUSAN G 4 Samantha McGuren 64
8 58x0217696 EASY COME G 8 Gino Barbierato 46
9 925x03370x FENTON G 6 Indiana Turner 61
10 3x770000x9 FORTYFIVE PARKLANE G 8 Samantha McGuren 67
11 x13912295x GALACTIC LEGEND G 5 Stuart Kendrick 61
12 113x222224 HIDDEN MELODY M 4 Adam Campton 61
13 04x13506x1 HIT M 4 Dominique Lahiff 57
14 x067807730 ICY ISEA M 6 James Hepworth 50
15 6x4015x211 INDUBITABLY F 3 Kurt Goldman 66
16 41x128980x INLANDA G 4 Mark Currie 59
17 82x1741x75 INQUISITIVE LEGEND M 4 Peter Robl 63
18 x21229x231 KWAMI G 6 Brett Baker 64
19 312x23346x KWIK AZ HELL M 5 Darryl Hansen 61
20 624800x8x9 LA SOEUR M 5 Greg Ryan 66
21 7486456x13 MISS ZERMATT M 5 Greg Cornish 56
22 47134x719x MOUNT ZION G 7 Jeff Dunn 63
23 12x3246x52 MY DOG DIESEL G 6 Allan Chau 64
24 28x5590x07 PHOENIX GLOBAL G 9 Ethan Ensby 62
25 134x672715 PIA MIA M 4 Corey & Kylie Geran 62
26 0134x06232 PLATINUM LIES M 4 Natalie McCall 61
27 x6731180x7 READY TO BOOM M 5 Robert Heathcote 61
28 14x63963x REIGN OF POWER G 4 Adam Campton 57
29 6115x15020 RUSSIAN MINT G 5 Lindsay Hatch 61
30 40x9342624 SHE’S A ROGUE M 4 Chris & Corey Munce 67
31 22x1 THEIR FINEST HOUR G 3 Daiki Chujo 58
32 1x13235646 TOKYO SINS M 6 Paul Wallace 68
33 322325318x UNDER THE PALAIS M 5 Ruby Chatterton 66
34 714x794x3x VOS SAVANT M 4 Indiana Turner 60
Race 3 - BENCHMARK 62 Handicap - Base Rating 50 (1650 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $28,000.1st $15,600, 2nd $4,800, 3rd $2,650, 4th $1,450, 5th $1,000, 6th $500, 7th $500, 8th $500, 9th $500, 10th $500
A deduction for Animal Care will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% for prizemoney pools less than $250,000.00 and 5% for pools $250,000.00 and higher.
A deduction for Insurance will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% on prizemoney pools for TAB races.
BenchMark 62, Handicap, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 12 + 5 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 68237780x4 BAVARIAN LADY M 6 Joe Gleeson 58
2 x139039121 BOVIDAE G 4 Diane Murphy 60
3 00x9176570 CHAYSE ’N’ ADAM M 4 Scott Morrisey 61
4 230x09x589 DAMIANI M 6 Greg Ryan 61
5 710x60 KINGFIELD (NZ) G 4 Chris Waller 60
6 03x6004658 LUMIERE G 5 Corey & Kylie Geran 51
7 7100495346 MAYBE SMART M 5 Ben Robinson 51
8 228x221 NAGAMIE G 5 Bevan Laming 61
9 82522x6054 OUR ORATOR G 5 Patrick Busuttin 62
10 423288x386 PASSIONATE REBEL G 5 Paul Shailer 59
11 8x1 SHANNON’S LEGACY M 4 Renita Beaton 58
12 9940x00909 SIR BEVERIDGE G 5 Bob Mahon 48
13 839x991021 THE WELLIAN G 5 Grant Laming 57
14 878x036553 TIRITIRI (NZ) G 5 Paul Shailer 59
15 24343127x6 TROPIC SANDS G 7 Lindsay Hatch 68.5
16 04x31733x0 TUQIRI G 4 Adam Campton 58
17 55x4519671 WATERMELON G 4 Ray Dart 61
Race 4 - BENCHMARK 58 Handicap - Base Rating 46 (2450 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $28,000.1st $15,600, 2nd $4,800, 3rd $2,650, 4th $1,450, 5th $1,000, 6th $500, 7th $500, 8th $500, 9th $500, 10th $500
A deduction for Animal Care will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% for prizemoney pools less than $250,000.00 and 5% for pools $250,000.00 and higher.
A deduction for Insurance will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% on prizemoney pools for TAB races.
BenchMark 58, Handicap, Minimum Weight 54kg, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 12 + 5 EM    NOMINATIONS EXTENDED TO: 24/12/2024 10:00:00 AM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 10x8065236 ARCHERS REIGN G 4 Josh Sweeney 54
2 8099782733 CAMELOT STAR (IRE) G 7 Marcus Wilson 46
3 17x0005 CHEAP WINE (NZ) G 5 Ethan Ensby 52
4 5239301662 EL ASTEROID (NZ) G 5 Jeff Dunn 59
5 4260x77025 FORCE ME (NZ) M 7 Garry Hutchesson 46
6 6092822339 GOING TO THE SUN G 6 Wayne King 51
7 x692438422 MADALSA M 5 Pat Webster 55
8 33x4946184 NEWMARKET MISS M 6 Brooke Ainsworth 53
9 1x1x363076 SILVER PEARL M 5 Lauren Abbott 58
10 55x4519671 WATERMELON G 4 Ray Dart 61
11 5662216542 YA LOVE HER G 4 Jay Bellamy 58
Race 5 - BENCHMARK 58 Handicap - Base Rating 46 (1400 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $28,000.1st $15,600, 2nd $4,800, 3rd $2,650, 4th $1,450, 5th $1,000, 6th $500, 7th $500, 8th $500, 9th $500, 10th $500
A deduction for Animal Care will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% for prizemoney pools less than $250,000.00 and 5% for pools $250,000.00 and higher.
A deduction for Insurance will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% on prizemoney pools for TAB races.
BenchMark 58, Handicap, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 14 + 5 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 3444x1690x BEE EXACT G 4 Hannah Willis 54
2 9x705x610x BENEDICT ARNOLD G 5 Jeff Dunn 55
3 125x5501x9 BETTER YET M 5 Indiana Turner 66
4 58x0896958 BRIEF SOJOURN G 7 Spike Deacon 42
5 x0718x8071 CAPITAL CEE G 4 John Johnston 61
6 6x55044x8x DIMENSION G 6 Neil Hocking 58
7 0748x84159 DUPONT G 5 Marcus Wilson 58
8 2683x12 ELLRO M 4 David McColm 58
9 0867211x34 GREGARIOUS G 4 Adam Campton 61
10 56221x7x9x JENNI INDA JUNGLE M 5 Jay Bellamy 62
11 710x60 KINGFIELD (NZ) G 4 Chris Waller 60
12 2176x76483 LONDON POINT (NZ) M 6 Adam Campton 63
13 6x1648857x MATTE BLACK G 4 Indiana Turner 53
14 168x5x58 MIDNIGHT DRIFTER G 6 Gillian Heinrich 56
15 x440106x44 MILEY’S MEMORY M 4 Tom Cowan 58
16 x21364x912 NAILS AND PRIDE G 5 Marcus Wilson 59
17 220729009x NO MORE RED G 6 Scott Morrisey 55
18 x2415x0018 OCEAN ALPS M 4 Paul Shailer 62
19 423288x386 PASSIONATE REBEL G 5 Paul Shailer 59
20 15x569 PISA CAKE M 4 Kris Lees 56
21 0805x00985 PROMETIO MAS G 6 Ruby Chatterton 49
22 8x1 SHANNON’S LEGACY M 4 Renita Beaton 58
23 48x93084x0 STARLEA M 6 James Healy 60
24 04x31733x0 TUQIRI G 4 Adam Campton 58
25 4x61428977 WHAT A WEEKEND G 4 James Hepworth 58
Race 6 - Maiden Plate (2450 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $30,000.1st $16,800, 2nd $5,300, 3rd $2,800, 4th $1,600, 5th $1,000, 6th $500, 7th $500, 8th $500, 9th $500, 10th $500
A deduction for Animal Care will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% for prizemoney pools less than $250,000.00 and 5% for pools $250,000.00 and higher.
A deduction for Insurance will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% on prizemoney pools for TAB races.
Maiden, Set Weights, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 12 + 5 EM    NOMINATIONS EXTENDED TO: 24/12/2024 10:00:00 AM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Ballot Hcp Rating
1 00x8047022 KHANT QUIT (NZ) G 5 Kerry Taplin 1
2 445x94632 NAPA VALLEY G 5 Matthew Hoysted 2
3 969080x592 RODEO LEGEND G 7 Gino Barbierato 3
4 780055x883 SASSY TAP (NZ) M 4 Kerry Taplin 4
5 888 WITNESS DIS G 4 Greg Cornish 5
Race 7 - Maiden Handicap (Scaled +2kg) (1300 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $30,000.1st $16,800, 2nd $5,300, 3rd $2,800, 4th $1,600, 5th $1,000, 6th $500, 7th $500, 8th $500, 9th $500, 10th $500
A deduction for Animal Care will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% for prizemoney pools less than $250,000.00 and 5% for pools $250,000.00 and higher.
A deduction for Insurance will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% on prizemoney pools for TAB races.
Maiden, Handicap, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 13 + 5 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 7x AIR OF AUTHORITY G 4 Indiana Turner
2 ARTISTIC TOUCH F 3 Stephen Cole
3 0x58x5 BEAST OF BURDEN G 5 Gillian Heinrich
4 63624x7 BOYSAREBACKINTOWN G 3 Diane Murphy
5 59 CLASSIC SHIRAZ F 3 Marcus Wilson
6 6 COMANCHE’S PROPHET G 3 Peter Quinlan
7 424x FLYING ASTERN (NZ) G 4 Adam Campton
8 78 FLYING WARRIOR G 3 Adam & Dallas Simpson
9 859098 GOOD DAY MAE F 3 Geoffrey Hardy
10 86x568x HURRICANE ROSIE F 3 Bevan Laming
11 58x037 LATE NIGHT TALKING M 4 Stuart Kendrick
12 0x5 LUVTOKNOW M 4 Greg Cornish
13 x538735x45 MIDNIGHT MADNESS G 4 John Johnston
14 9 PHOENIX STORM G 4 Mark Denysenko
15 QUEEN HIGH (NZ) F 3 Bevan Laming
16 803524x770 RUMBLING BOY G 4 Ravyn Warzecha
17 SATIRICA M 4 Renita Beaton
18 83x6343560 SCOTTVILLE SCOOTER F 3 Darryl Hansen
19 35x25339x3 SHAKE’N’BAKE G 4 Mark Currie
20 SHAMIELA M 4 Chris Waller
21 808 SHOWRATA G 3 Kris Lees
22 7x SIX OF ONE M 4 Ben Ahrens
23 2x0 SMILE CHARGE M 4 Daiki Chujo
24 5 SPIRITUAL RHYTHM M 4 Danny Bougoure
25 STOP THE TAPE G 3 Melissa Kelly
26 x4502277x2 SUPERZOOM G 4 Marcus Wilson
27 2744257564 TANGO SPIRIT (NZ) M 5 Allan Chau
28 TARADALE G 3 John Hubbard
29 07x TENNESSEE WHISKEY (NZ) G 4 Peter Robl
30 THRIFTYMISS F 3 Paul Shailer
31 634x2237 TIPPED OFF G 4 Tony Gollan
32 09x9076889 TWOPOINTFOUR G 4 Ron Drysdale
33 535x WHAT ARTISTS DO G 3 Bevan Laming
34 675823x364 WIREWALKER G 4 Mark Currie
35 0x9 ZALATORIS (NZ) G 5 Ben Robinson
Race 8 - QTIS Three-Year-Old Maiden Handicap (Scaled +2.5kg) (1400 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $30,000.1st $16,800, 2nd $5,300, 3rd $2,800, 4th $1,600, 5th $1,000, 6th $500, 7th $500, 8th $500, 9th $500, 10th $500
A deduction for Animal Care will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% for prizemoney pools less than $250,000.00 and 5% for pools $250,000.00 and higher.
A deduction for Insurance will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% on prizemoney pools for TAB races.
Maiden, Handicap, Three-Years-Old, Apprentices can claim.
QTIS 3YO Bonuses: 1st $10500, 2nd $3000, 3rd $1500 to qualified horses.
QTIS 3YO Fillies $7,500: 1st $5250, 2nd $1500, 3rd $750

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 14 + 5 EM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 409 BILLILICIOUS QTIS Bonus Scheme F 3 Olivia Cairns
2 3x725x34 BUTWEDID QTIS Bonus Scheme G 3 Glenn Thornton
3 06755 CASSETTE (NZ) F 3 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
4 CHONKY DIVA QTIS Bonus Scheme F 3 Michael Morrison
5 59 CLASSIC SHIRAZ F 3 Marcus Wilson
6 6 COMANCHE’S PROPHET G 3 Peter Quinlan
7 353 FIRST MAN QTIS Bonus Scheme G 3 Paul Shailer
8 78 FLYING WARRIOR G 3 Adam & Dallas Simpson
9 32 FRENCH EMPIRE G 3 Annabel Neasham & Rob Archibald
10 0x5859 GIRL AMONG MANY F 3 Ben Ahrens
11 859098 GOOD DAY MAE QTIS Bonus Scheme F 3 Geoffrey Hardy
12 44x083 HEY CHARDONNAY QTIS Bonus Scheme F 3 Chris & Corey Munce
13 76x5 HUMID F 3 Chris Waller
14 86x568x HURRICANE ROSIE F 3 Bevan Laming
15 ISLE OF BUTE QTIS Bonus Scheme G 3 Peter Robl
16 JUSTANOTHER HUNGEE QTIS Bonus Scheme F 3 Lawrie Mayfield-Smith
17 49 KEEP IT LOKI QTIS Bonus Scheme G 3 Tony & Maddysen Sears
18 8x MAKEMINEMILO QTIS Bonus Scheme G 3 Adam Campton
19 7x2 PETITE PALACE QTIS Bonus Scheme F 3 Michael Morrison
20 QUEEN HIGH (NZ) F 3 Bevan Laming
21 3 RED HUSSY QTIS Bonus Scheme F 3 Brooke Ainsworth
22 808 SHOWRATA G 3 Kris Lees
23 STAY LIQUID QTIS Bonus Scheme G 3 Jack Bruce
24 THAT’S YOU QTIS Bonus Scheme G 3 John Hubbard
25 THRIFTYMISS F 3 Paul Shailer
26 0 WOD (NZ) G 3 Ben Robinson
Racing Queensland Notice
Nothing in the issuance of these weight declarations guarantees a runner a place in the field, should decisions under, or the application of the Rules of Racing require a different outcome.

© Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (and other parties working with it). QLD racing materials, including fields, form and horse racing results, is subject to copyright which is owned by RQ and other parties working with it.