Ladbrokes Cannon Park: Cairns Jockey Club Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Meeting Type: Country (TAB MEETING)
Apprentice Meeting Type: Country
Rail Position: +1m 1050m-300m; True Remainder
Dual Track Meeting: N
Track Type: Turf
Track Condition: Good 4
Weather: Fine
Penetrometer: 5.88
Track Information: Penalty: R6 N3 Inching Closer +1kg (59kg)
Nominations Last Published: Thu 12-Dec-24 5:00PM AEDT
Weights declared by: Thu 12-Dec-24 5:00PM AEDT
Acceptances must be declared before: Fri 13-Dec-24 10:00AM AEDT
Riders must be declared before: Fri 13-Dec-24 1:00PM AEDT
Scratching close: Tue 17-Dec-24 8:30AM AEDT
Total Number of nominations for this meeting (including emergencies) 60
Race 1 - BENCHMARK 75 Handicap - Base Rating 68.5 (Scaled +0.5kg) (1400 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $21,000.1st $11,600, 2nd $3,800, 3rd $1,950, 4th $1,000, 5th $650, 6th $400, 7th $400, 8th $400, 9th $400, 10th $400
A deduction for Animal Care will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% for prizemoney pools less than $250,000.00 and 5% for pools $250,000.00 and higher.
A deduction for Insurance will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% on prizemoney pools for TAB races.
BenchMark 75, Handicap, Minimum Weight 54kg, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 14 + 5 EM    NOMINATIONS EXTENDED TO: 12/12/2024 04:00:00 PM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 24628140x6 CASTILE G 6 Matthew McGuire 71.5
2 8158406316 CRYSTAL CHIEF G 7 Sharlee Hoffman 72.5
3 x27527x763 INCHING CLOSER G 8 Mark Dale 72
4 8221215x72 INDICTMENT G 7 Stephen Massingham 74.5
5 0628241411 LIDDER VALLEY G 5 Roy Chillemi 72
6 414038x474 MISS SEATTLE M 6 Georgie Holt 73
7 2002133333 SPIRIT MEISTER G 6 Rodney Miller 68.5
Race 2 - BENCHMARK 75 Handicap - Base Rating 59 (Scaled +1.5kg) (950 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $21,000.1st $11,600, 2nd $3,800, 3rd $1,950, 4th $1,000, 5th $650, 6th $400, 7th $400, 8th $400, 9th $400, 10th $400
A deduction for Animal Care will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% for prizemoney pools less than $250,000.00 and 5% for pools $250,000.00 and higher.
A deduction for Insurance will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% on prizemoney pools for TAB races.
BenchMark 75, Handicap, Minimum Weight 54kg, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 11 + 5 EM    NOMINATIONS EXTENDED TO: 12/12/2024 04:00:00 PM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 4122161x51 FODOR G 5 Stephen Massingham 71
2 0598902457 MIKADO G 7 Alex Malliff 68
3 x55x343443 RIGEL STAR G 7 Steven Royes 65
4 x4x75547x2 STARZ BARWON G 6 Fred Wieland 68
5 3x6126885x WITNESS ATTACK G 6 Trevor & Peter Rowe 54
6 14x1451244 ZI WIN G 6 Trevor & Peter Rowe 65
Race 3 - Class 2 Plate (1500 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $21,000.1st $11,600, 2nd $3,800, 3rd $1,950, 4th $1,000, 5th $650, 6th $400, 7th $400, 8th $400, 9th $400, 10th $400
A deduction for Animal Care will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% for prizemoney pools less than $250,000.00 and 5% for pools $250,000.00 and higher.
A deduction for Insurance will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% on prizemoney pools for TAB races.
Class 2, Set Weights, Three-Years-Old and Upwards, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 14 + 5 EM    NOMINATIONS EXTENDED TO: 12/12/2024 04:00:00 PM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Ballot Hcp Rating
1 2732313534 CANDLELIT G 5 Steven Royes 1 64
2 3x3897x415 IGNACIO G 5 Ricky Ludwig 2 52
3 033122x522 KING’S HALO G 5 Stephen Massingham 3 59
4 041x06908 OLD SALT G 4 Trevor & Peter Rowe 4 51
5 4x57269424 WONG WAY G 6 Mark Dale 5 41
6 52684x00x8 MERRY OLD SOUL (NZ) G 6 Trevor & Peter Rowe 6 43
Race 4 - BENCHMARK 58 Handicap - Base Rating 46 (1250 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $21,000.1st $11,600, 2nd $3,800, 3rd $1,950, 4th $1,000, 5th $650, 6th $400, 7th $400, 8th $400, 9th $400, 10th $400
A deduction for Animal Care will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% for prizemoney pools less than $250,000.00 and 5% for pools $250,000.00 and higher.
A deduction for Insurance will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% on prizemoney pools for TAB races.
BenchMark 58, Handicap, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 12 + 5 EM    NOMINATIONS EXTENDED TO: 12/12/2024 04:00:00 PM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 537346x90x CALL ME HILTON G 6 Trevor & Peter Rowe 49
2 x62669x764 COURTING SARA M 7 Scott Cooper 53
3 6600184222 DELUXE LEGEND G 6 Janel Ryan 60
4 x443780x51 DEVIL’S INN G 6 Steven Royes 62
5 625472x472 ELLIE’S DREAM G 5 Fred Wieland 49
6 0x294068x8 HYDE PARK G 4 Tom Button 60
7 631935x91 I’LLTELLYOUSO F 3 Stephen Massingham 61
8 40336515 ISLA GIRL F 3 Fred Wieland 51
9 4821413x KOBAYASTAR F 3 Matthew McGuire 58
10 22115234x6 LORD POWER G 5 Trevor & Peter Rowe 53
11 395746x000 MASTER ORR G 7 Mark Dale 45
12 8414065432 MY ARTIE G 5 Alwyn Bailey 57
13 4x5414135x OVER THE FALLS G 7 Scott Cooper 55
14 6282551x8 WANDERLEI G 4 Michael Geaney 52
Race 5 - Maiden Plate (950 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $23,000.1st $12,800, 2nd $4,000, 3rd $2,200, 4th $1,050, 5th $750, 6th $440, 7th $440, 8th $440, 9th $440, 10th $440
A deduction for Animal Care will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% for prizemoney pools less than $250,000.00 and 5% for pools $250,000.00 and higher.
A deduction for Insurance will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% on prizemoney pools for TAB races.
Maiden, Set Weights, Apprentices can claim.

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 11 + 5 EM    NOMINATIONS EXTENDED TO: 12/12/2024 04:00:00 PM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Ballot Hcp Rating
1 23 CORBUSIER G 3 Fred Wieland 1
2 4223 SUPERSTITIONS G 4 Ray Moller 2
3 7x37382x33 SIRENE ROUGE M 5 Rodney Miller 3
4 4449095356 OHMIKKIUSOFINE M 4 Troy Clive 4
5 48029600x SODAMCUTE F 3 Michael Geaney 5
6 56784x600x JAAKUNA M 4 Trevor & Peter Rowe 6
7 00x TARIFF G 4 Trevor & Peter Rowe 7
8 866x99x AIRBORNE HOTDOG G 4 Scott Cooper 8=
9 80x770x KERRY MISS M 4 Rodney Miller 8=
10 ELSPHERE M 5 Trevor & Peter Rowe 10
Race 6 - QTIS Three-Year-Old Maiden Handicap (Scaled +3kg) (1250 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $23,000.1st $12,800, 2nd $4,000, 3rd $2,200, 4th $1,050, 5th $750, 6th $440, 7th $440, 8th $440, 9th $440, 10th $440
A deduction for Animal Care will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% for prizemoney pools less than $250,000.00 and 5% for pools $250,000.00 and higher.
A deduction for Insurance will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% on prizemoney pools for TAB races.
Maiden, Handicap, Three-Years-Old, Apprentices can claim.
QTIS 3YO $12000 Bonuses: First $8500, Second $2300, Third $1200, to qualified horses.
QTIS 3YO Fillies $6,000 (1st $4,250, 2nd $1,150, 3rd $600)

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 12 + 5 EM    NOMINATIONS EXTENDED TO: 12/12/2024 04:00:00 PM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 56x6233 CHOCMINT QTIS Bonus Scheme G 3 Megan Purvis
2 308x98608 CLUCK QTIS Bonus Scheme F 3 Trevor & Peter Rowe
3 43x85654 LOVE ’N’ VISION QTIS Bonus Scheme F 3 Roy Chillemi
4 6x6475246x MARCH MADNESS QTIS Bonus Scheme G 3 Michael Geaney
5 x50530457x MYTHBUSTA QTIS Bonus Scheme G 3 Tom Button
6 5x8746 SAN TAN TONI G 3 Michael Jokic
7 48029600x SODAMCUTE QTIS Bonus Scheme F 3 Michael Geaney
8 0 THE COPS QTIS Bonus Scheme G 3 Rodney Miller
9 THE HONEY BADGER G 3 Scott Cooper
Race 7 - QTIS Two-Year-Old Handicap - First Starter 55/53 (950 METRES) Times displayed in local time of Race Meeting
Of $21,000.1st $11,600, 2nd $3,800, 3rd $1,950, 4th $1,000, 5th $650, 6th $400, 7th $400, 8th $400, 9th $400, 10th $400
A deduction for Animal Care will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% for prizemoney pools less than $250,000.00 and 5% for pools $250,000.00 and higher.
A deduction for Insurance will be applied to all prizemoney prior to distribution at the rate of 1% on prizemoney pools for TAB races.
Handicap, Two-Years-Old, Apprentices can claim.
QTIS 2YO $12000 Bonuses: First $8500, Second $2300, Third $1200, to qualified horses.
QTIS 2YO Fillies $6,000 (1st $4,250, 2nd $1,150, 3rd $600)

Track Name: Main Track Type: Turf

Field Limit: 9 + 5 EM    NOMINATIONS EXTENDED TO: 12/12/2024 04:00:00 PM

  Last 10 Horse Sex Age Trainer Hcp Rating
1 31 BANG STICK QTIS Bonus Scheme C 2 Tom Button
2 GEM OF SCOTS QTIS Bonus Scheme F 2 Scott Cooper
3 12 GOLD CLASSIC QTIS Bonus Scheme F 2 Scott Cooper
4 GYMNOSOMATA QTIS Bonus Scheme F 2 Georgie Holt
5 MISS PIERATA QTIS Bonus Scheme F 2 Fred Wieland
6 3 MR OREO QTIS Bonus Scheme C 2 Fred Wieland
7 MUSIC GIRL QTIS Bonus Scheme F 2 Fred Wieland
8 311 SATISFIED MUGS QTIS Bonus Scheme C 2 Georgie Holt
Racing Queensland Notice
Nothing in the issuance of these weight declarations guarantees a runner a place in the field, should decisions under, or the application of the Rules of Racing require a different outcome.

© Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (and other parties working with it). QLD racing materials, including fields, form and horse racing results, is subject to copyright which is owned by RQ and other parties working with it.